Sir Thomas Cave
Avatar: Thomas Richard Cave
VW: Second Life

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SL Account Name: Delos Helstein

Display Name: Thomas Richard Cave

An old member of the historical community noted historical SL architect, and interior designer. I also have a separate account, AndreJacquemin Resident, whose a renowned court jeweler to the historical community. Owner of Ancient Regime, a consolidated merger of 'Delosian Designs' by Delos Helstein, and 'Joyaux de Jacquemin' by Andrejacquemin Resident.

Delosian Designs

Joyaux de Jacquemin


Roleplay Character


Thomas Richard Cave

5th Baronet Cave of Stanford

United Kingdom, and Continental Business Magnate

British Landowner, Member of Parliament

Granara Callisto Arms new2.jpg

Cave Family History

History will be updated soon...

The current head of the family is Sir Thomas Richard Cave, 6th Baronet Cave of Stanford. He is married to Catherine Cave-Shuvalova, daughter of the Count Shuvalov of Russia.


Madame Desireme Fallen
07 Apr 2011 02:56:41PM @madame-desireme-fallen:
Winks atthe Conte Bon....Welcome to the Ning!!!
Contessa Elena Marina Foscari
23 Apr 2011 07:05:40PM @contessa-elena-marina-foscari:

Caro Conte, It was a pleasure to meet you again, it is always a pleasure to meet a fellow Venetian. I believe my father may be friends with yours, he has certainly mentioned your family.

You must visit us at our "Villa" in Torbiato if you are travelling through Lombardy. We are staying there until "La Malcontenta" is repaired after the awful Floods we had this Summer. I do hope your properties were not too badly damaged.

I look forwards to our next meeting.

Contessa Elena Marina Foscari
23 Apr 2011 07:08:45PM @contessa-elena-marina-foscari:
....I believe we may meet soon,. there is a Ball at the residence of a fellow Venetian, who has opened his Palazzo for the season....
Lord Myron de Verne
24 Apr 2011 01:15:50PM @lord-myron-de-verne:

It was a pleasure tobe introduced toyou at the Spring Ball, Milord! I appreciated how you are'galant' to the Ladies, and ' courtois' to the Gentlemen, and I look forward to meeting you again soon!

Conte Myron di Loredan
18 May 2011 07:34:00PM @conte-myron-di-loredan:

My sincere congratulations to your new title and nationality Your Highness! Venezia lost a Conte but Versailles won a Prince in every respect! I wish you health and good fortune!

Conte Myron di Loredan