07 Nov 2010 03:19:46AM @lord-myron-de-verne:
it reminds me that, when Benjamin Franklin was Ambassador in Paris, a new fashion was inspired by his invention: the 'lightning rod wig'.Your Love Disaster really looks like it:-))
07 Nov 2010 05:26:34AM @sophia-trefusis:
Ty you MAdel^^^Though I was supposed to be a moth,but at least THAT guess was closer than some people wondering if was a tree lolCap:You are so nice and have a way with words*_*Myron:I didnt know that! Interesting trivia.
beautiful portrait.
Thank you.Though my hair is a disaster
Like a moth to it's fatal flame. I could not take my eyes off you Signora
it reminds me that, when Benjamin Franklin was Ambassador in Paris, a new fashion was inspired by his invention: the 'lightning rod wig'.Your Love Disaster really looks like it:-))
Ty you MAdel^^^Though I was supposed to be a moth,but at least THAT guess was closer than some people wondering if was a tree lolCap:You are so nice and have a way with words*_*Myron:I didnt know that! Interesting trivia.