Stephanie Mesler
VW: Second Life

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A Virtual Letter From Fanny Burney to Jane A.

user image 2015-04-24
By: Stephanie Mesler
Posted in:

24 April 1783

Haven, France

Dear Jane,

Thank you for sharing your "scribblings" with me. Isn't it sad that a woman's writing, her hard labor, is referred to thus whilst a man's is thought of as the product of his life's calling? Oh, I too refer to my writing as you have yours. You are not alone in denigrating your talent and your industry.

I have completed the pages you sent me and want you to know I am delighted. My comments on what you have written are in the margins of the manuscript itself. It is so good to read such fine work from a young woman I have known most of her life. What I find surprising is that I did not know before now that you write. Is this a new pursuit or have I been completely blind to what you do? Did you intentionally hide your projects, as I once did. Are you aware that I first tried to publish under a male nom de plume? I used to hide my writings in the back of mywardrobe and was thoroughly mortified when anyone came upon me when engrossed in my own "scribbling." It was not until Dr. Johnson and Mrs. Thrale saw fit to comment on my prose, and to share it with others of their literary class, that I came to realize that I what I create, the stories I weave, are worthy of attention.

I hope that this note from me will encourage you as much as Dr. Johnson and Mrs. Thrale encouraged my younger, less experienced, self. Please do not give up your work, dear one. Write as though God himself has told you to do so. It is your calling. Of that, I am sure.

You asked how much longer I will be in France. I have not yet made any plans to leave and expect to stay here in Boudreaux for some time yet to come. My friend, Lorsagne, is a marvelous hostess to many artists, musicians and writers. One never wants for stimulation or conversation here. All I need do is walk out the door of my guest house and wander the gardens here until I come upon some other wandering guest of the Chatelaine. I was lucky today; I met up with the lady herself and was able to enjoy an hour or more of delightful communion with one who knows much about many things.

I do hope this letter finds you in good spirits and better health. My best to your mother and father. Please kiss my own sisters, should you meet them in town. Most importantly, write some more. Feel free to send along for my comments.

Your Supportive Friend,

Miss Frances Burney

Fanny Burney and Lorsagne de Sade, The Haven