Stephanie Mesler
VW: Second Life

Location: Merritt Island, FL
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The Decades Festival and Ball is set for June 27, 2015 starting at 12:01 AM SLT

user image 2015-06-12
By: Stephanie Mesler
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The Decades Festival and Ball is set for June 27, 2015 starting at 12:01 AM SLT

Event Location:

We conceived The Decades Festival when it became clear that money needed to be raised to support Historical RP and education in SL through The Historical Communities and Royal Courts website, . We wanted to help with the expense of running this site that supports all of us in sharing live history in the metaverse. What started out as a simple request for donations drew all of our attention to the need to support one another in all we do in Second Life and elsewhere on the net to promote historical education and RP. A little discussion led to a lot of planning and, voila! a Festival was born.


We chose the sunflower as the symbol for the DECADES Festival because their open faces that symbolize the sun speak to what historical communities and builds represent: warmth, happiness, admirationand with your help and support, longevity, as well. Look for sunflowers throughout the sim, and if you can please be generous in your donations to support historical and education builds.

June 27, The Decades Festival Site on Vahalla Island in SL will be host to nine HUGE history exhibits and 15 live and/or interactive events, which run the gamut from Renaissance music to coffee house RP. There will be balloon rides and pony rides, even a zip line. There is a historical ship to explore and a space museum that will knock your socks off. You won't believe the attention to historical detail and accuracy in all of the exhibits, no matter what their subject, from hats to fine art to tarot to houses.

The festival was dreamed up by Freda Frostbite and her cohort in many things virtual, SisterButta. Lots and lots of people have contributed their time and talent to building this big event and they have done it in less than a month! Please compliment all of them on the amazing work they have done creating The Decades Festival and Ball. Questions and Concerns may be directed to Freda and Sister. We do hope you'll spend at least part of June 27 with us at The Decades Festival and Ball. Below are the events schedule and descriptions of the many exhibits.

Please share this info. And please DO contact Freda Frostbite or SisterButta in Second Life, Inwolrdz or Kitely for a posterto puton your own land or in appropriate venues. Please help to make the Decades Festival a huge success!

So let's get the word out! Please post and share all the info below. The Decades Festival is going to be one of the greatest events ever in SL and I'm not just saying that cuz it was my idea to start with. I'm saying so because of the contributions of dozens of folks in the metaverse historical education and RP communities. Really, as Barney says, this is gonna be -- wait for it -- LEGENDARY! Share, Share, Share, People, Share!



The Sea Witch, owned by Captain Lucerius Zefirelli is on display near the Festival landing. You are welcome to explore above and below, fore and aft. Be sure to walk the plank and swing from the mast! And don't forget to fire the cannon! Can you sink the target ship? Give it a try!

GAMBLING (Observatory Ground Level)
Ladies and gentlemen! Place your bets! It is the universal cry of the croupier, the dealer, the oddsmaker. Gambling and gaming have been a part of every culture throughout history. Dice, cards, entrails, stars in the sky . . . if it exists in creation (and even in imagination) you can count on somebody somewhere betting on it. Our visual history of gambling shows how different artists have depicted men and women engaged in popular forms of gambling. Admire the art and then try your hand at roulette, the dart board, a run for the roses, poker. If you choose 52 card pickup, you can watch the cards fly!

HISTORY OF HATS (Observatory 2nd Floor)
Sofia Von Essen has created a fabulously fun and educational exhibit on head gear from 1545 to 1925. You'll walk away wishing we, of the 21st century, wore hats more.

COFFEE HOUSE (Observatory Top Floor)
The coffee house will be open throughout the day of the festival for your snacking and imbibing pleasure. Help yourself to strong Italian coffee or a milk shake. Have some biscotti or a peanut butter sandwich. Or come when there is RP scheduled in the coffee house. See the events schedule for details on coffee house RP.

SPOKEN WORD PERFORMANCES (Observatory Underground)
See the events schedule for details about these performances but feel free to explore any time.

HISTORICAL COMMUNITIES INFO (Around the Pavilion and Balloon Launch)
A pictorial exhibit drawing attention to many historical communities in SL. Click the signs for information.

From chariots to fire engines, Aldo Stern and company have gathered together vehicles from the last 2000+ years. This exhibit is a lot of fun!

WHO ARE WE? (Pavilion)
If a friend is a mirror of the self, the art a culture produces is the mirror of the whole cultureand its time. From the earliest cave paintings, the human figure has always spoken to the artist. Representative artworks from all eras depict the rise (and fall, perhaps) of mankind as the measure of all things while accompanying chairs give us a seat to enjoy the view. Curated by SisterButta and Lady Leena Fandango.

Tour the festival in a hot air balloon! What better way to see history and beauty than floating above the melee on nothing but air? Created by Sere Timeless.

THE HISTORY OF HOMES (NW corner of the sim)
This exhibit allows you to literally walk through time, starting in prehistoric times. You'll visit a cave dwelling and a French folly. In between, you'll see all manner of homes. Builder and historian, Jacon Cortes de Bexar has outdone himself!

TAROT HISTORY (Northern sim edge)
This quote, hung at the exhibit entrance pretty much sums things up: "Tarot may not tell a person's future, but it tells a lot about humanity's past. Begin your journey through Tarot History through the door..." Merry Chase has built an unbelievably creative exhibit that will have you marveling at both her skill as a designer and the history of the cards.

Created by a real life aero-space engineer and pilot, WIld Blue will take you through aeronautic history, hitting all its *high* points from hot air balloons to space shuttles. Find out some of the lesser known facts about flight in this exhibit created by Heximer Thane.

WHAT SHALL WE WEAR? (Fashion Tent)
See the events schedule for details about the Decades fashion show. Visit the fashion tent any time for fun historical fashion facts.

IN MEMORIAM (Temple and Ruins)
A small temple, the ruins of a forgotten era and emerging sunflowers stand as a reminder that while history may well be written in stone, our creations in the virtual world are not. They are ephemeral ... and sadly, some are lost forever due to lack of funds to maintain or archive them. We need your help so more great historical and educational builds can be maintained and preserved.


All times arePST (US Pacific Time)


1:00 AM
Ceci Dover will perform like no one but Ceci does. If you have never seen her very high energy show, this is your chance. Ceci does a wide variety of music from many eras. Her voice is dazzling. AND she is wonderful to work with. She is one of Second Life's true professionals. (Streamed)

3:00 AM
Coffee Break! Puss Applewhyte will host in the observatory coffee house. IC event. Come from your favorite time period. (Text)

4:30 AM
*Lamentations of The Sabine Women* by Stephanie Mesler, performed by Avi Choice winner, Freda Frostbite. This poem cycle based on the mythology and history of early Rome will be published this summer in Mesler's book, *GodSongs.* (Local Voice)

6:00 AM
Coffee Break! Crazy lady and "mouth of the South" Trolley Trollop will get you laughing as she shares funny stories from some of her favorite Southern USA writers.. (Local Voice)


8:00 AM
Poetry from the last 2 1/2 Millenia with Sabreman Carter and Freda Frostbite. From Sapphos to Cisneros, Sabreman and Freda have selected some of their favorites to share with you in an hour of historically significant poetry at the Decades Festival. (Local Voice)

9:00 AM
Madmax Huet takes the stage with his great mix of rock and blues. We promise Max will have you shaking your groove thang, no matter what decade you are from! (Streamed)

9:00 AM
Coffee Break! Mary Von Hardenburg will host in the observatory coffee house. IC event. Come from your favorite time period. (Text)

10:00 AM
18th century physician, Dr. William Greymoon, will discuss advances in medicine and herbology. IC event. (Text)

11:00 AM
Coffee Break! Lady Aph MacBain will host in the observatory coffee house. IC event. Come from your favorite time period. (Text)


12:00 NOON
Decades Ball in The Pavilion. Freda will provide an eclectic stream of dance music from many, many time periods, from the time of the Pharaohs to the time of Lady Gaga. Come decked out in dance garb from your favorite time period. Prizes will be awarded! (Streamed)

2:30 PM
What shall I wear? Those four words must be among the first ever uttered. Our all-star fashion show produced by and Algezares Magic and Euridice Qork of aQuarela Models in Second Life will feature formal attire for both ladies and gentlemen from ancient Rome through the Boho 1970s. Come and see history walk the runway! (Streamed)

4:00 PM
Live Theater at The Decades Festival, organized by the phenomenally talented, Sere Timeless. Featuring performances from ancient Rome, the ever-so- romantic Barretts, and Gabriel Garcia Marquez by some SL's best known and loved RP and spoken word talents. (Local Voice)

5:30 PM
Wald Schridde takes the Decades Festival Stage for an hour of Renaissance and Medieval music. Wald is known throughout SL's historical RP communities. You won't want to miss this talented musician.


7:00 PM
Caledonia Skytower of the Seanchai Library (on THREE grids now) will share her unique talent as a storyteller when she performs historical prose at The Decades Festival. (Local Voice)

8:00 PM

Event Location: