Avatar: TatianaDokuchic Varriale
VW: Second Life
Location: Ottawa, ON
Country: CA
VW: Second Life
Location: Ottawa, ON
Country: CA

Duché de Coeur - Egg Decorating Contest

Eggs may be mechanical or static with a maximum of ten prims per entry and a limit of one entry per person. Eggs should reflect the historical nature of the Duch.
Eggs will be displayed at the Coeur Fair beginning Wednesday, March 31st when voting will begin. Prizes will be awarded Sunday April 11th during.
Contact TatianaDokuchic Varriale for information.
Congratulations!! (April 25, 2010):
1st Place: Fellice Babii - Search for Persephone
2nd Place: Harleywan Haggwood - Duchy Egged
3rd Place: Pekel Panacek - Dance Macabre; Candace Ducatillon - Duche Easter Egg; Trasgo Beaumont - The Souvenir
It was a pleasure to see the thought and creativity that went into all of the entries. Thanks to everyone that participated!!
Congratulations to the Winners - Thanks to everyone that participated!!
Can we eat the eggs now??? I am starving....
Doctor!! I believe you are just looking for more business
What a pity! I missed it since I was some time not on ... are there any photos of the eggs?
The eggs are still on dispay at the Coeur Fairgrounds.