VW: Second Life
Location: Ottawa, ON
Country: CA

A Dance ... with Dragons
Great Balls of Fire!! It started out as another beautiful day at the Petit Trianon; sun shining, birds singing, absolutely perfect for the All Hallows' Costume Dance.
The guests started to arrive; some on broomsticks, others just appearing out of nowhere. This being Second Life their chosen means of transportation didn't raise much of fuss (well except maybe for that HUGE spider that scurried in ... not sure where that creature was hiding her invitation and I certainly wasn't about to approach her to ask!). The costumes were fabulous ...
... and Myron Byron, the DJ, soon had everyone up and dancing.
Then it happened.
We heard the terrible flapping of their wings before we saw them. The bright, autumn day ...
... turned to dark, shadowy night as we scanned the skies for the source of the ground-shaking roars.
They flew amongst us, ready to rend our oh-so-delectable flesh which they would rapidly roast to perfection. Thinking quickly (as many experienced SL party survivors are wont to do) we all banded together to attempt the only proven method (and environmentally friendly, I might add) of fending off a full-fledged dragon attack ...
It was a fabulous Event and a lot of fun, I do hope that we have some more festivities at your beautiful sim
Thanks, Alessandra! So glad that you enjoyed yourself
I believe that we will be having more festivities so we'll keep you posted.