VW: Second Life
Location: Ottawa, ON
Country: CA

These guidelines provide advice that we hope make Royal Courts an interesting, safe and productive place where we can keep in touch with the many historical communities of Second Life and enjoy each others' company. Please note that these Guidelines were customized from the original NING Creators Forum Guidelines .
Civility Rules
If we want respect and civility to be the hallmarks of this community, we all have to strive to keep the feedback constructive.
Stay On Target
Off-topic, out-of-context, drive-by, cross-posted comments make it hard to follow a conversation. We sometimes remove them to keep the conversation structured and meaningful.
We Tidy Up
We move Forum discussions that look like they belong in a different category. We close duplicate discussions and point people to ongoing discussions about the same topic. We dont intend to censor anyone, but we may remove a discussion or replies in a discussion if theyre causing confusion, are mean-spirited, or are otherwise inappropriate (e.g., language). In general, we do our best to tidy up and make things easier to find. Also see Forum Discussions vs Blogs - Guidelines .
Event Posting Rules
An Event may be posted for a maximum period of 24 Hours. An Individual or Group is limited to two events per day. No Advertising allowed. See Event Posting Rules for details, examples & exceptions.
Advertising is restricted to products that can be used in Second Life and/or other virtual worlds. All advertising should be placed in the Marketplace Discussion Category please see Marketplace Rules . The Photo Section should not be used for product images. Member Name and/or Member Photo may not be used for advertising.
Memberships are limited to individuals and should not be used for stores, companies, groups etc.
Duplication of Historical groups & figures
Royal Courts does allow for duplication of historical groups and/or figures. However, new members are strongly encouraged to educate themselves with regard to currently used Historical Groups & Figures and adjust accordingly. Let's face it, being one of twenty "Marie Anotinettes" can lead to confusion and will probably not be as satisfying in the long run as carving out your own special niche.
Attackers Will Not Be Defended
It doesnt happen very often, but we will remove people who harass other people. Personal attacks, insults, and unrelenting negativity wont be tolerated on Royal Courts. See Royal Courts - A Drama Free Zone .
Nobody Likes Spam (Except Spammers)
What is spam? Spam is a noun: unsolicited ads for products and services. Spam is a verb: posting the same message again and again to as many people as possible. Spam is a bad word. Dont spam. Also see Sharing Photos on this Site - Limitations .
Making this a safe, constructive place to exchange information is our top priority, and violating any of these guidelines may result in a suspension from Royal Courts. It rarely comes to that, though. The most important thing we ask of you, our fellow Courtiers: Get involved!