Avatar: TatianaDokuchic Varriale
VW: Second Life
Location: Ottawa, ON
Country: CA
VW: Second Life
Location: Ottawa, ON
Country: CA

"Hey Nonny Nonny" from "Much Ado About Nothing"

Category: People & Blogs
Duration: 00:02:59
Duration: 00:02:59
"Ladies Sigh No More" aka the "Hey Nonny Nonny Song" as sung by the Fairelands Watch in the Fairelands Players production of Much Ado About Nothing".
Fantasy Faire of Second Life is an event held in a virtual world in support of Relay for Life. You can learn more at: https://fantasyfairesl.wordpress.com/
Fantasy Faire of Second Life is an event held in a virtual world in support of Relay for Life. You can learn more at: https://fantasyfairesl.wordpress.com/
Too much fun!!