Queen's Hamlet
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QH Wine Making 3.0: Getting Started

Tatiana Dokuchic
7 years ago
1,919 posts

I couldn't be more excited about the new G&S 3.0 Wine Making system!  Truth be told, reading the G&S instructions for the first time made my head ache but once the initial fog lifted I realized that the complexity would add a wonderful richness to our active roleplay.

The following information is intended for QH Co-op members who would like to skip over all the details and get started right away.  The official documentation is here .


According to the new terminology an individual "vineyard" is what we are use to calling a field.  A vineyard grows one particular type of grape and Members will be allotted vineyard(s) that have already been seeded with a specific type of their choosing.

Water: Each vineyard requires 2 buckets of water a day (a barrel every 5 days).  We will be using the Riders Auto Feeding System to deliver the barrels.  Each member is responsible for obtaining the necessary number of water barrels for their vineyard(s) and placing them in their Harvest Boxes.  Tat will then transfer the barrels from the Harvest Boxes to the Feeding System.

Care: Click on the vineyard to perform the "care" function.  This should be done on a regular basis as care speeds growth and increases quantity (but strangely enough not quality).

A vineyard will process up to a maximum of 300% and if it is well cared for it delivers a maximum of 3 crops in 12 days.

Harvest:  You must use a G&S basket and select "Take Crop - Fill Container".

Co-op Fees : Two crops of grapes in a basket(s) per month.

Official Vineyard documentation is here.


You're going to need an empty G&S barrel . Use the new 3.0 Winepress Menu Option "Fill" with the barrel.  This is the only way to maintain the additional flavours of the wine.

Official Winepress documentation is here.


If you would like to retain the "Appellation of Origin" the barrel must be store in the Queen's Hamlet until the wine is mature.  Space has been reserved for each winemaker to house their barrels in winery.  Contact Tatiana if you need a spot.


You will need G&S Baskets & Barrels.  Contact Tat to acquire a vineyard. Collect your water and deliver it to Tat via your Harvest Box.  Provide care on a regular basis.  Pay your Co-op fees monthly.

Whew!  That's a quick start.  Hope this helps you a bit on your wine making journey.  Detailed information will follow and please feel free to ask questions!!

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 16 Oct 2018 12:34:26PM