I knew this section existed and happy to find it again. Love to read. So since I've never been active here a resume of the last books. Though not my native language those where the French versions.
1. Les Plantagenets, Dan Jones, (The Plantagenets)
Even though this is more a historical work it does read as a novel. Covers the period of the Plantagenets, a for European history, extremely important family whom stands on the base of what we can call "modern" England. Their reign over vast territories which belong now to France, the 100 years wars.
For people interested in this period of the middle ages I dare to recommend it. Gives a real good extended intro of the period and makes quite some still "hanging irons" in Europe visible.
2.Les pilliers de la terre 1 and 2; Ken Follett (The Pillars of The Earth)
Loved this novel and you're in for a couple of pages. Medieval era, XIII century, the time of the building of the great cathedrals and the evolution of them. Nice build up characters and the phychology of them. Good plot with a acceptable view of the time.
A recommendation.
3. Un monde sans fin, Kenn Follett; (World without end)
If you want a continuation of Les pilliers de la terre.
France 14th century.
Right... enjoyed the story but
Contrary to his former two books, in my eyes, it doesn't reach the same level. The characters are not so well "drawn" as before. As if he wanted to start quite some plots with perhaps too many important characters and in the end couldn't follow them all anymore leading to too many "loose ends". Regularly rather large time lapses so that Kenn Follett leaves you wondering what happened with specific persons or they get a bit a very convenient end. Got the impression that for the first 200 pages he took a relatively slow pace and spun it a bit too much out. Then discovered on the end that he had to do the exact oposite and compress the story too much.
I don't say it's a bad book though for sure not on the same level.
Thx for your comment on harry Potter and the cursed child Tatiana was a bit hesitating to purchase it but decided for a no go. Have the feeling I'm don't have to regret that decision