Age of Reason
Avatar: TatianaDokuchic Varriale
VW: Second Life

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Country: CA
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[AoR] Brewery

Tatiana Dokuchic
2 years ago
1,919 posts

AoR Brewery.png

It’s been a long time coming which will certainly make the ale & beer produced by our new Brewery even more flavourful! 

Many thanks to Sere and Aldo for their contributions to this endeavour.  I’ll post our discoveries in the Research Section but in the meantime here’s a quick start for the keeners.

Quick Start

For our purposes ale is differentiated from beer by its higher alcohol content.

Basic ingredients: Barley, Hops, Water

Crafters: Barrel, Brewery, Maltster


  • Use NPC Marcel the Maltster to exchange Barley for Malt
  • Use Brewery – Mash to change Malt & Water into Mash & Wort
  • Use Brewery – Sparge to change Mash into Mild Wort
  • Use Brewery - Boil to change Wort into Ale
  • Use Brewery – Boil to change Mild Wort into Beer
  • Use Barrel_small to age both Ale & Beer

See AoR Recipes:Alcohol for exact quantities


Breweries will be available in both Rocca Sorrentina and the Queen’s Hamlet.  Please contact Sere and Tatiana to get started.

As soon as we build up our stock, Beer and Ale will be added to the Household Challenge as staples of the weekly budget.


Updated April 15, 2024: Now use a smaller barrel for aging.

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 15 Apr 2024 03:58:52AM
Tatiana Dokuchic
last year
1,919 posts

Updates to the Brewery

Smaller Barrel:

A new, smaller barrel (holds 16 units) is now available for the aging of ale & beer.  As the smaller barrel costs less this will increase the profits for the brewer.  

The smaller barrel should not be used to age wine as it cannot hold the full 30 units produced by the wine press.  It will age 16 units but the other 14 will be discarded.

Household Challenge:

Beer and Ale are now staples in the Household Challenge replacing Apple Cider.

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Sir Thomas Cave
last year
149 posts

Great! Does this mean the barrel making process has been updated to include a second option for the barrel size? 

Tatiana Dokuchic
last year
1,919 posts

Sir Thomas Cave:

Great! Does this mean the barrel making process has been updated to include a second option for the barrel size? 


It does!  The cooper can now make smaller barrels. Half the materials and half the cost for the small barrel.

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 15 Apr 2024 11:10:12AM