Age of Reason
Avatar: TatianaDokuchic Varriale
VW: Second Life

Location: Ottawa, ON
Country: CA
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AoR Beta Testing

Tatiana Dokuchic
4 years ago
1,919 posts

Welcome to the next round of beta testing (v.12).

Two weeks into Age of Reason and everything is progressing quite nicely.!  This release is all about crafting and everything that goes with it including a personal inventory and the addition of skills.

You will receive two boxes:

  • [AoR] Beta Test v0.12 - Meter & HUD sent from the support group
  • [AoR] Beta Test v0.12 - Crafter Kit sent from Rousseau

To get started:

  • Attach the Meter (use Add )
  • Attach the HUD (use Add)
  • Detach / Attach the Meter
  • Detach / Attach the HUD

Use /9title Title to reset your chosen title.

HUD Changes:

  • The I (information) button has been renamed to N (needs)
  • The display of Coins has changed (it's still static). Mouse over of Coins has the same function
  • BAG will give you the list of items in your AoR inventory and allow you to transfer items to other members
  • SKILL will give you the list of your current Skills


Not included in this version (but on the HUD "to-do" list) are: resizing, toggling between IC/OOC, detaching HUD & Meter, and the display of coin balance.


We are delighted to welcome back our trusty NPC merchant, Myriam.  It took quite a bit of convincing to get her to come and work for us but she's now happily settled in the QH [AoR] Market, ready to purchase ingredients that you have crafted.  She is willing to pay you 90% of the wholesale price.


The new Pioneer Kit includes 4 sacks of flour.  Flour can also be purchased in the QH [AoR] Market. 

You may wish to SELL at least one bag of flour to Myriam.  This will help test the sale process and get you familiar with selling items.

You should LOAD at least one bag of flour into your inventory to get it initialized.  Note that your BAG comes preloaded with 8 units of Flour and 8 units of Water.  Touch BAG to see the contents..  These ingredients will be used for crafting.  A loaf of bread, for example will require 4 units of Flour and 2 units of Water.

The SECURITY option allows the owner to indicate those that can LOAD the ingredient to their inventory.  The default is Community.


For your baking pleasure, ovens have been installed in the QH Kitchen and there is one working recipe, "Bread".  Once we have completed testing them as a group ovens will be made available to everyone and more recipes will be added.

Look for the "✪✪✪" symbols denoting active [AoR] objects.

The [AoR] Crafting system draws all ingredients directly from your inventory.  There is no need to rez or touch any items besides the crafter itself.  If you do not have enough of any given ingredient, the system will inform you and stop before anything has been withdrawn from your inventory.

Skill Points are earned for each item crafted.  Touch SKILL for your current skill list including up-to-date Skill Level and Skill Points (sp).

You will need 10 skill points to advance from Level 1 (unskilled)  to  Level 2 (apprentice).

Crafting time depends on your skill level.

  • Level 1 - 2.0 minutes
  • Level 2 - 1.5 minutes
  • Level 3 - 1.0 minute
  • Level 4 - 0.5 minutes


Many thanks for playing along with us.  At this early stage there are sure to problems to solve but we can enjoy identifying and fixing them. Just think of all the great stories we'll have to tell about "the good old days" of beta testing!


Greetings Brave Beta Testers v0.10

Many thanks for pioneering Age of Reason [AoR]!

For this test you will be receiving two folders:
[AoR] Beta Test - Pioneer Meter & HUD
[AoR] Beta Test - Pioneer Kit

To get started:
Attach the Meter (use Add - it will ask your gender preference & attach permissions, then register you in the database)
Attach the HUD (use Add)
Detach the Meter
Attach the Meter (use Add)

This will give up-to-date statistics (otherwise statistics will update after five minutes).  Don't worry, even if you attach things in another order everything will still work.  This is just the quickest & easiest method.

The "Pending" on the meter indicates your community.  I must update this for you.

Touch the "?" button on the HUD for the list of commands you can use for various functions including adding a Title (/9title title) and a Role(/9role).

Touch the "I" button on the HUD for precise Needs information.

Touch the area on the HUD next to Coins for options to get your coin balance via IM or to transfer coins to another [AoR] member.

For this beta test v0.10 the HUD:
    Does not display coin balance, level(Lvl), or experince (XP)
    None of the other buttons function at this time..

While wearing the Meter you will:
    Lose one point every 5 minutes for Energy, Hunger, Hygiene, Social
    Gain one point every 5 minutes for Health
    Gain one point every 15 minutes for Experience (XP).

The Pioneer Kit includes everything you need to replenish your needs.
Food (for Hunger): 
    Bread Box with 8 slices of Bread (these can be easily transferred to your inventory if you wish)
    Bread Loaf delivers a slice of Bread on touch (limit 8)
    Bread Loaf will also be available for sale in the QH Market

    Bed Box (for Energy)
        Sit to sleep
        Owners can also - Right Click for Menu - Modify - change visibility and/or resize
    Washstand Box (for Hygiene)
        Sit to wash hands
         Owners can also - Right Click for Menu - Modify - change visibility and/or resize
      Washstand (for Hygiene)
        Sit to wash hands
Pets (for Social):
        Calico Cat - Add to wear
        Lab Puppy - Add to wear

This early stage of testing is an adventure so expect things to go wrong.  No worries, everything can be fixed.  Please give me a shout any time you have questions or need help.  Most of all, have fun pioneering our new system!

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 12 Sep 2020 10:06:41AM
Tatiana Dokuchic
4 years ago
1,919 posts

New Flour Mill

The flour mill is now available in the QH Kitchen 

Look for the "✪✪✪" symbol on the little stone mill on the left side of the stove.

The mill takes 8 portions of wheat and turns them into 8 portions of flour which is delivered in a sack to the worker.  It also gives 1 unit of wheat to the mill owner and 1 unit of wheat to the worker's community.  These taxes are transferred directly to the owner's/community manager's bag.

Crafting time depends on your skill level as a Miller.

Forty portions of wheat have been allocated to each beta tester. More wheat will soon be available for sale in the QH Market.

Have fun!


Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 13 Sep 2020 11:58:36AM
Tatiana Dokuchic
4 years ago
1,919 posts

New Well

A well is now available in the   QH Kitchen 

Look for the "✪✪✪" symbol on the sink.

The well gives 8 portions of water directly to your bag.  It also gives 1 unit of water to the well owner and 1 unit of water to the worker's community.  These taxes are transferred directly to the owner's/community manager's bag.

Gathering time is 30 seconds.



Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Tatiana Dokuchic
4 years ago
1,919 posts


Grain fields are now in beta testing with the first crops scheduled to be harvested later today. 

  • Fields are assigned to specific workers by the field owner
  • Planting wheat requires 1 unit of wheat and 4 units of water, drawn from your bag.
  • Planting & harvesting time depends on your "grain farmer" skill level
  • One "grain farmer" skill point is earned for each successful harvest
  • Assigned worker can "sit" on the field (right click - farm) to begin planting/harvesting tasks
  • Rakes & scythes are provided automatically. Allowing attachment (optional) will place these tools in the worker's hand.
  • Worker/owner can "touch" field (or right click - manage) for field status
  • Animations are stopped automatically when the task is complete.  Should the worker choose to "stand" before that time the crop will be lost.
  • Time from planting to harvest is 48 hours.  The "✪✪✪" symbol will appear when the field is mature.
  • A successful harvest provides:
    • A sack of wheat (8 units) delivered to the worker
    • 8 units of wheat given to the owner's bag
    • 2 units of wheat given to the community manager's bag

Grain fields can also grow oats & barley for apprentice grain farmers (skill level 2) and above.

All grains will be used in cooking recipes. In addition, oats will be used as animal feed and barley will be used in the production of beer.

A separate corn field is planned.

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Tatiana Dokuchic
4 years ago
1,919 posts


Bread can now be sold to Myriam (NPC Merchant) who will pay you 90% of the current wholesale price per unit.

The owner now has a choice of four security settings:

  • Public - everyone can get bread slices
  • Community - community members can get bread slices or load into their bag
  • Group - group members can get bread slices or load into their bag
  • Owner - has exclusive access

Please note that loading bread into a bag should be used with caution as once loaded, bread cannot currently be retrieved. This functionality is planned.

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Tatiana Dokuchic
4 years ago
1,919 posts


Myriam has been upgraded!

Current functions:

BUY - Purchase items and have them transferred directly to your personal inventory.  Purchase Price is 110% of Wholesale Price.

SELL - Sell items directly from your personal inventory.  Sale Price is 90% of Wholesale Price

PRICE LIST - Lists items for sale with their associated Wholesale price.

Please note that you can no longer rez items (bread for example) and sell them directly to Myriam.  Instead, LOAD the item into your personal inventory and then use Myriam's SELL function.

To encourage roleplay, sales between players are preferred. Personal vendors will be available soon for those interested in becoming merchants.  For the moment you can transfer the contents of your personal inventory to another player and have them pay you directly.

Myriam is intended to bridge any gaps where items may not be available from other players.  As such, her prices have been deliberately set low for the sale price and high for the purchase price.  Though the wholesale price is a good guide, merchants are always free to set their own purchase price.

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Tatiana Dokuchic
4 years ago
1,919 posts


  • Physical Items (loaf of bread, sack of flour, sack of wheat) can now be retrieved directly from your basket see HUD & Meter Update Notes v0.14
  • Physical Items can no longer be sold directly to Myriam (NPC Merchant).  Load them into your basket and sell them to Myriam from there

The new HUD & Meter will be sent to you automatically the next time you detach/attach HUD & Meter v0.13.  As usual, attach/detach/attach the new items to get them up to speed.


Old physical items should all be loaded into your basket and new items retrieved from your basket as required.  

This is a relatively painless way to update these items. 

The old loaf of bread will stop delivering bread slices.  Load it into your basket and get a new one.

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Tatiana Dokuchic
4 years ago
1,919 posts


Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!  Seems like the perfect time to announce additions to our culinary catalog.

A stove is now available with three soup recipes (potato, tomato, onion) plus beef broth.  See AoR Recipes for all the details.

All the necessary ingredients are available from Myriam and I'll now start working on the vegetable patches and other harvesters/crafters required to complete the supply chains.

After eating cartloads or bread, a bowl of potato soup should make for a nice change!

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Una Lunaqat
4 years ago
58 posts

Suggestion:    On the recipe document, perhaps add a comment line at the top to show how to interpret the numbering in the recipe.  For example: four:Beef_raw:1:Onion:2:Salt:1:Water:4

What does the "Four" mean.  Since that number is spelled out, I'm guessing it yields 4 servings but not really sure until I go cook some.  Would be useful to clarify that in the doc.


Una (Unalunaqat Resident)
Madame D'Qat
Ferme sur Mer (Sea View Farm), Queen's Hamlet
Villa Toscana,LL, Rocca Sorrentina
Tatiana Dokuchic
4 years ago
1,919 posts

Hi Una. 

It denotes the number of different ingredients.  Though it's a clunky format, because it's the one used in the database, it's the easiest one for me to use right now.  I've added a small note in the Ingredient column at your suggestion.

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 13 Oct 2020 04:52:11AM
Tatiana Dokuchic
4 years ago
1,919 posts


Skill Level 2 (Apprentice) and Skill Level 3 (Journeyman) have been updated by increasing the number of skill points needed to advance.  Skill Level 1 (Unskilled) remains the same.

This change only affects those few players that had already reached Skill Level 3 or above.  In those cases, their levels have been rebased while still retaining all of the skill points earned to date.

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Tatiana Dokuchic
4 years ago
1,919 posts


I'm delighted to announce the release of four vegetable patches; carrot, onion, potato & tomato.

For those of you who would like to do a bit of gardening at home, these patches are now being sold in the QH Market and will soon being available for farming in your community.

Speaking of working from home, the well, stove & oven are also for sale.

Tried it but didn't like it?  After purchase, all crafters & harvesters may be sold back to Rousseau who will offer you 90% of the original purchase price.



Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 16 Oct 2020 06:33:30AM
Una Lunaqat
4 years ago
58 posts

What level can cook carrot soup?

Una (Unalunaqat Resident)
Madame D'Qat
Ferme sur Mer (Sea View Farm), Queen's Hamlet
Villa Toscana,LL, Rocca Sorrentina
Tatiana Dokuchic
4 years ago
1,919 posts

Una Lunaqat:

What level can cook carrot soup?

Carrots are used in chicken soup (level 2) but there is no recipe for carrot soup.  I didn't know if there was a need for more than the current four soups (potato, tomato, chicken & onion) plus the two broths (chicken & beef).

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Tatiana Dokuchic
4 years ago
1,919 posts


Unfortunately the SELL feature for the version 1.0 Harvesters & Crafters is a tad unstable so I've disabled it.  If you would like to sell those items you can do so by contacting Rousseau who would be glad to help you out.

Version 1.1 Harvesters & Crafters are now being sold with a SELL that should be stable.

No need to upgrade as all the other functionality is the same.

Many thanks to everyone for their feedback and helping to debug.  Keep that bug spray at the ready!

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 21 Oct 2020 06:12:29PM
Una Lunaqat
4 years ago
58 posts

Is the trowel used for planting veggies meant to be experience-based for holding it like the tools used on the large fields?  I keep getting the prompt to accept it so wondered.

Una (Unalunaqat Resident)
Madame D'Qat
Ferme sur Mer (Sea View Farm), Queen's Hamlet
Villa Toscana,LL, Rocca Sorrentina
Tatiana Dokuchic
4 years ago
1,919 posts

Una Lunaqat:

Is the trowel used for planting veggies meant to be experience-based for holding it like the tools used on the large fields?  I keep getting the prompt to accept it so wondered.

Right now the AoR standard for all attachments is non-experienced based. This avoids complications with general users who may be reluctant to accept an experience as well as complications for Sere with Rocca Sorrentina oversight.

That being said, I have been using experienced base attachments specifically for the QH crafters/harvesters as a test to see how they work and I really do like them.  If you prefer, you can contact me and I'll swap your veggie patches so that they are also experienced based.

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Tatiana Dokuchic
4 years ago
1,919 posts


Social contact with other AoR members is now recognized by the Meter boosting the social need.  Players must be wearing active (IC) Meters and must be within 5 meters of each other.  The more people gathered together the greater the boost!

The HUD Basket has also been upgraded by categorizing the contents.  You may choose ALL (everything in your basket) or refine the list into Ingredients, Meals, Drinks, Parts or Goods.  

Not to be outdone, Myriam also provides the Price List for those five categories. This will make it easier for merchants to determine the price of prepared Meals.

With this release, the basic functionality of AoR has been completed and we will be moving out of Beta Testing and into full-fledged Production. 


Raise a bowl of porridge to celebrate :)

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 13 Nov 2020 04:06:49AM
Una Lunaqat
4 years ago
58 posts

(Tips her hat to the Duchesse of Scripts  :)

Una (Unalunaqat Resident)
Madame D'Qat
Ferme sur Mer (Sea View Farm), Queen's Hamlet
Villa Toscana,LL, Rocca Sorrentina
Tatiana Dokuchic
4 years ago
1,919 posts

Una Lunaqat:

(Tips her hat to the Duchesse of Scripts  :)

Merci beaucoup, Una!  I get a lot of satisfaction just knowing that Ardrhys can now leave the dog (or cat) at home for the most part ;)

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
4 years ago
16 posts
