Age of Reason
Avatar: TatianaDokuchic Varriale
VW: Second Life

Location: Ottawa, ON
Country: CA
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[AoR] News ~ June 14, 2024

Tatiana Dokuchic
4 months ago
1,919 posts

Tat trudges in from her garden, tosses her shovel into the corner, takes off her muddy boots and takes up her pen to share the latest news …



A warm welcome back to Jeni who is making her home in the Campania area of Rocca Sorrentina.


Household Challenge (HHC)

Summer Serendipity has joined the challenge and has already put several points on the board including the June Challenge.  Congratulations!

Speaking of which, the June Challenge is progressing nicely with many a bottle of Apple Brandy being consumed along the way. 

[AoR] Household Management Challenge - Age Of Reason |


Buying in Bulk

If anyone is interested in selling Bulk Butter (80 units) please contact Tat and I will set up the Packer to make that possible.


Brand-new Culinary Delights

Nothing new to report though rumour has it that two new fish dishes may be in the works.


The Big Cheese

Having recently become a Master of Cheesemaking, Tat can now officially be addressed as “The Big Cheese” or “Duchesse du Grand Fromage” 😉.  Fortunately, this pairs nicely with her other master trade of Winemaking!


Restart Tuesdays

A necessary evil, Restart Tuesdays often put a crimp in our AoR schedules.  On the bright side, I am please to report that any items harvested or crafted during the down time are being delivered as soon as the region (Provence Coeur) returns to working order.  Thanks to Thomas (Delos) for testing this out so thoroughly!


Sleeping Beauty Syndrome

Many of us have suffered from “Sleeping Beauty Syndrome” at one time or another.  No Health, no Energy, no Hunger, and no Prince(ss) in sight to save us.  Even though you are paralyzed with inaction here are the steps you can take to get yourself back on your feet:

  • Detach your [AoR] HUD & Meter.
  • Contact Tat who will wave her magic wand, restoring your lifeforce and returning you to consciousness.
  • When you get the go ahead, reattach your [AoR] HUD & Meter.
  • The Meter will show red for some time after being reattached but will green up within 5 minutes.
  • Enjoy your new lease on life!

[AoR] HUD & Meter


Summer Sales by Summer Serendipity



Catering and Food Service

(Summer Serendipity, Proprietor)

*** Featuring delicious meals and side dishes of all types.

*** Catering for special events via advance orders

*** Bulk orders are welcomed.

*** SPECIAL ORDERS of complex gourmet dishes may be arranged.  (Leave the cooking to us!)

Browse our selections at our food service carte located in QH (AoR) MARKET



If you have any stories, photos, achievements etc. that you would like to share with the community please send them to me for inclusion in the next newsletter.



Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site