Cayetana de Silva y Alagon
Avatar: Beatrizvonholsteins
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Royal Court Of Charles III

Royal Court Of Charles III

Tuesday July 11 2017, 12:00 AM
Attendees:  @CarlosIII@José Moñino y Redondo@Mansur Marawi

After a time closed for reforms, the kingdom of Spain opens again its doors with a renewed image and styles. Several events will be organized throughout this week to celebrate the reopening and continuation of this long-lived kingdom in SL. We hope you all come to visit us and enjoy the place. We will be happy to welcome you with open arms.

Después de un tiempo cerrado por reformas, el reino de España abre de nuevo sus puertas con una imagen y estilos renovados. Se organizarán varios eventos a lo largo de esa semana para celebrar la reapertura y continuación de este longevo reino en SL. Esperamos que todos vosotros vengais a visitarnos y disfruteis del lugar. Nosotros estaremos encantados de recibiros con los brazos abiertos.

Mansur Marawi
03 Jul 2017 08:06:20AM @mansur-marawi:

I very much look forward to attending. 

Cayetana de Silva y Alagon
04 Jul 2017 06:28:02AM @cayetana-de-silva-y-alagon:

We will be happy to receive you!