Return to Venezia - Part 44 – Devi reports to the Conte
Devi hesitated before she knocked on the door of rooms which the Professore was lending the Conte to use as a temporary office while he stayed in Sorrentina. For once Devi was nervous about meeting the Conte. She knew that her mission had gone very well, and the Conte would be pleased with her, but she had a favor to ask him. A big favor ! And she was not at all sure that the Conte would be willing to support her.
Normally, having finished a mission, she would either be given a new one or be sent back up north, back to the Sinti camp, and this was utterly abhorrent to her. There was no way she was spending another season at the camp, with her grandmother endlessly trying to marry her off to some cousin or other...and what was more, she had a special reason to want stay on this island of Sorrentina!

She hadn't seen Achille since they had disembarked. It seemed that no sooner had they stepped onto Terra Firma, when, a heavy set older man in a very unfashionable wig had pulled him aside, and before she knew it, he was sailing of in a small row boat, going who knows where? He had not had the time to talk with her before he left, not a word! She had shouted at the little boat as it drew off in the distance, but he was probably already too far away to hear her.
Now she was standing outside the Conte's rooms. Devi took a deep breath and knocked nervously on the door. She waited for an invitation to enter and stepped inside. The Conte looked up from the paperwork on his desk, smiled and gestured for her to sit down in the empty chair in front of the desk.

As expected the Conte questioned her on the mission, and she answered all his questions easily. Just as she was beginning to relax the Conte suddenly inquired :
And what about the innkeeper, this Achille Giglio?
Devi could feel herself blush as the Conte carried on:
I have been informed that you have developed an attachment to this man. Is this true
Devi knew that it was futile to attempt to deny her feelings, the Conte always knew everything!
Yes.....I love him She answered as defiantly as she could, trying to keep her voice even and confident.
And has the innkeeper Achille Giglio made you an honorable offer of marriage? the Conte asked
Devi could feel herself getting flustered as she searched for an answer. She was sure that Achille had intended to make her a serious, respectable offer. After all he was not the kind of man to toy with a girl's feelings, was he? But then, they had been separated so suddenly and he had gone off, God knows where, without a word. exactly. Not yet, at least. I...I am sure he means to, but he had to leave...on business for Profesore Stern, I suspect.
I see. the Conte said simply. His words echoed, hanging heavily in the silence that followed.
And when will Achille Giglio return?
Devi had no choice but to answer.....I don't know... and hung her head.
I see. The Conte said again.
Devi really wished he would stop saying I see in that way. She stood up, and went to stare wistfully out of the window at the port, wishing Achille would magically reappear.

My dear Devi, you must understand that I have a responsibility to your father and your family. You know that you are not born just a common maid, who can do what she likes, with whom she likes. You cannot put your honor in jeopardy, on the off chance that some man you have only known a few short weeks, who in the eyes of your people is a Goy, an outsider, returns and makes you an honorable offer of marriage. Not only that, but even if he did, you are perfectly aware of your family's reaction to you marrying a man outside the clan.
The Conte meant every word he said, even though doing so made his heart ache more than just a little. It was not just a sense of responsibility and honor ...he cared about Devi and her future happiness....perhaps as much as he cared about the happiness and safety of his own daughter. And that was part of it as well...the part he did not say out loud to her. He knew very well the kinds of risks and dangers that were faced by Achille and others who worked in the Professore's network of spies, agents and messengers, and he knew that Devi knew this as well as he did...she wasn't foolish or naive. But perhaps she preferred not to think about.
He sighed softly and thought, "Why can't this wonderful girl just be happy and settle down with a nice safe blockhead of a cousin, who will sit around a camp in the mountains for the rest of his life, making music, stealing chickens and getting drunk. Instead here she was ready to give her heart and future to someone who was chasing around Italy, the islands, and the Barbary coast, carrying messages, smuggling contraband cargo of all sorts...including the human kind....and playing cat and mouse with Sbirri thugs, Muslim corsairs, hill country Banditi and all other sorts of charming folk who would just as soon cut your throat as look at you."
The Conte did not like to imagine what Devi's life would be like...a husband who was always coming and going...the secrecy...the waiting...and finally, the time when he just wouldn't come back.

Devi's voice, quavering slightly, broke in on his thoughts. He will return, I am sure. Then he will come and speak to you directly, and you will see that he is not just any Goy! Please Conte....Father would listen to you! Please don't send me back immediately. Please, at least wait until Achille returns, and speaks to you....Please...
This was a new experience for the Conte Foscari. As long as he had known this girl, he had never heard or seen her beg or plead for anything. But now as he looked into her eyes, he could see that the fires of defiance had been extinguished. He could feel the resolve in his heart softening...just a little.
But what would you do here while you wait for this Achille to return? Where would you stay? he asked.
I could stay here! I could be your house keeper! I could be your secretary!
Devi, I already have a secretary, and have no need of a housekeeper. Also I intend to travel to Prussia in a week or so, on business, and I can't possibly leave you here in Sorrentina alone and un-chaperoned. Your Father would never forgive me.
Devi could feel tears of despair pricking her eyes, but said nothing.
When I leave, you shall travel north with Beatrice and myself, and I shall find you an escort to the Malcontenta, where you can stay in the care of my father's household, until this situation is resolved." He paused and looked at her smiling with a gentle smile that he very rarely showed to anyone. "Let us hope that your Achille returns before we leave. he concluded.
Devi looked up at the Conte, devilish sparks of merry defiance rekindled in her eyes, as she had just realised that for once, she obviously knew something that the Conte did not.
Your Father, Sior Francesco, is not at the Malcontenta....
For the first time in all the years she had known the Conte, Devi now had the pleasure of seeing -- ever so briefly -- an expression on the man's face that hinted at surprise, puzzlement, and -- as the possibilities began to dawn on him -- a slight look of horror.
Captivating chapter ! Thank you for this enjoyable read.
hmmm. Signor Francesco and his entourage were on the ship from Ravenna, no? But they are not on Rocca...I wonder where they are?
This is a very charming revival of the story. It will be interesting to see what happens next.
oh...and I must protest...running a network of spies and secret messengers? Me? Bah, hardly likely.
Yes Butter wouldn't melt...Sior Proffesore.....
The unsettling of the Conte, who knew it was possible?
Wonderful chapter!
Hmm, this is a side of the Conte I have not seen before. This story is endlessly fascinating.