Tourraine, 5th of July 1768.
Letter to Mons. Federico Maria Giovanelli
From: Dr. P. Panacek
let me start by kneeling before you and kiss your ring as a sign of my respect for you and Our Holy Church.
First of all i do want to offer my condolences to the family of Soeur Maria Sofia and let them know i have said some prayers in rescue to her immortal soul. "Requiem ternam dona eis, Domine et lux perpetua luceat eis."
But the reason i write you this letter is from another dimension. With astonishment i have read your Bull "Communication to the Faithful following invasion of the convent in Dorsoduro and the murder of Suor Maria Sofia". Especially the following sentence has raised my eyebrow: "Reports that bodies of victims have been removed by curious and malicious foreigners have further upset His Excellency Most Reverend". Your excellency, i do have to object to these accusations. Yes indeed, i am the one who examined the body of the poor lady in question, and brought to light the foul circumstances of her death. But i did it on the explicit demand of Madame M. T. Milneaux - Vendramin. She is a noble Venetian woman, who's parents also have been murdered under awful circumstances, long time ago.
Monseigneur... This lady has been poisoned. Without my intervention, and that of my friends and co-workers, the awful truth would never have been discovered. I don't have to remind you that manslaughter is still a deathly sin. Without the techniques of modern science nobody would ever have known what happened to this poor woman. Her true identity is still unknown and nobody besides us has mourned or prayed for this unfortunate lady. Not like Soeur Maria Sofia, who had a caring family and the support of our Holy Church. Without our intervention she would have been buried in some anonymous mass grave. At least now she is buried in Holy Ground at the Duchy, with the support of our dear friend friar Wasar.
It makes me very sad you place me and my co-workers at the same level with the fearless criminal who brought an end to this womans life. Furthermore i have to explicitly declare that we have NO intention at all to desacrate the resting place of Sister Maria Sofia. The merely thought only is enough to make my stomach turn around. Monseigneur, i am a man of science, with a high personal feeling of honor, responsibility and duty, and certainly no ordinary grave robber. I never had, and will never have any evil intentions. So help me God.
But a word of warning is in order. Please don't forget monseigneur, there is still a killer on the loose. a disciple of Satan himself. Already two victims are counted, how many more must follow before the TRUE criminal is caught and brought to justice?
Let me quote Franois-Marie Arouet who's work i admire very much: "What is faith? Is it to believe that which is evident? No. It is perfectly evident to my mind that there exists a necessary, eternal, supreme, and intelligent being. This is no matter of faith, but of reason."
Monseigneur, let us focus ourselves on the very essence of this enigma. Let not only God be your guide, but also Reason, because it is God Himself who has gifted us with this precious ability to think and analyze. The real murderer must be brought to justice.
Please forgive me my argumentation, but with all do respect, i wanted this matter cleared out as soon as possible.
Again i kneel before you as a sign of respect for you and the Wisdom of Our Holy Church.
Your servant, Dr. P. Panacek, Chirurgien de Guerre.
Letter to Mons. Federico Maria Giovanelli
From: Dr. P. Panacek
let me start by kneeling before you and kiss your ring as a sign of my respect for you and Our Holy Church.
First of all i do want to offer my condolences to the family of Soeur Maria Sofia and let them know i have said some prayers in rescue to her immortal soul. "Requiem ternam dona eis, Domine et lux perpetua luceat eis."
But the reason i write you this letter is from another dimension. With astonishment i have read your Bull "Communication to the Faithful following invasion of the convent in Dorsoduro and the murder of Suor Maria Sofia". Especially the following sentence has raised my eyebrow: "Reports that bodies of victims have been removed by curious and malicious foreigners have further upset His Excellency Most Reverend". Your excellency, i do have to object to these accusations. Yes indeed, i am the one who examined the body of the poor lady in question, and brought to light the foul circumstances of her death. But i did it on the explicit demand of Madame M. T. Milneaux - Vendramin. She is a noble Venetian woman, who's parents also have been murdered under awful circumstances, long time ago.
Monseigneur... This lady has been poisoned. Without my intervention, and that of my friends and co-workers, the awful truth would never have been discovered. I don't have to remind you that manslaughter is still a deathly sin. Without the techniques of modern science nobody would ever have known what happened to this poor woman. Her true identity is still unknown and nobody besides us has mourned or prayed for this unfortunate lady. Not like Soeur Maria Sofia, who had a caring family and the support of our Holy Church. Without our intervention she would have been buried in some anonymous mass grave. At least now she is buried in Holy Ground at the Duchy, with the support of our dear friend friar Wasar.
It makes me very sad you place me and my co-workers at the same level with the fearless criminal who brought an end to this womans life. Furthermore i have to explicitly declare that we have NO intention at all to desacrate the resting place of Sister Maria Sofia. The merely thought only is enough to make my stomach turn around. Monseigneur, i am a man of science, with a high personal feeling of honor, responsibility and duty, and certainly no ordinary grave robber. I never had, and will never have any evil intentions. So help me God.
But a word of warning is in order. Please don't forget monseigneur, there is still a killer on the loose. a disciple of Satan himself. Already two victims are counted, how many more must follow before the TRUE criminal is caught and brought to justice?
Let me quote Franois-Marie Arouet who's work i admire very much: "What is faith? Is it to believe that which is evident? No. It is perfectly evident to my mind that there exists a necessary, eternal, supreme, and intelligent being. This is no matter of faith, but of reason."
Monseigneur, let us focus ourselves on the very essence of this enigma. Let not only God be your guide, but also Reason, because it is God Himself who has gifted us with this precious ability to think and analyze. The real murderer must be brought to justice.
Please forgive me my argumentation, but with all do respect, i wanted this matter cleared out as soon as possible.
Again i kneel before you as a sign of respect for you and the Wisdom of Our Holy Church.
Your servant, Dr. P. Panacek, Chirurgien de Guerre.
Posted in: default
Tourraine, 18th of June 1768.
Final autopsy report regarding the body found in the Canal.
From: Dr. P. Panacek, surgeon
To: Madame M. T. Milneaux - Vendramin.
Dear Madame,
I sincerely thank you for giving me the opportunity to examine the corpse found in the Venetian Canal near your palazzo. I am sending you a full report of my findings. One sign of warning must be mentioned: these results are puzzling and may even upset you.
The person brought to me was female, midst her twenties. She was dressed in a quite expensive and high quality gown, wich my dear fianc recognized as being designed by the famous designer Lady E. Luik from Paris. She was not wearing any jewellery.
First sight showed us a corpse who definitely bared the signs of being in the water for too long. The skin was all wrinkled and withered.
Her skin color was very pale, certainly a noble lady for sure, spending more hours inside the palazzo's than outside in the open air. One should expect a bit of a blue - greyish aspect of the skin, because we assumed that she was drown, but that sign was remarkably absent.
There was a clear state of rigor mortis. The body was cold. The expression on her face was one of great fear. What did she saw in her last minutes? What went on in her mind?
No other signs of injury could be found. No signs of bleeding, nor massive blood loss, also no signs of hematoma.
First i opened the thorax, taking a look at her lungs. They were both filled with water, what should emphasize the theory that the lady in question drowned.
Then i made an incision in the abdomen, revealing the intestines. I cut open the stomach and found the rests of her last meal, still intact. No signs of digestion already started. She ate some chicken, and tomatoes and drank some red wine.
The lady must have died quite short after having dinner. I took some samples and sended them to my new friend monsieur Eleas LeRoux, a promising medical student, apothecary, and herbalist who recently arrived at the Duch Du Coeur, for further examination.
Then suddenly something took my attention. I found traces of lipstick on her right inner thigh, and after closer examination i also found the same lipstick traces on the inside of her right ankle. Very strange indeed. Had she been with her lover just before the accident happened? Did they had dinner together?
But dear Madame, the most shocking fact came a bit later, when monsieur LeRoux came running to my practise in a state of high exaltation. He came telling me he found traces of arsenic in the remains of the mysterious lady's last dinner !!! He assured me that he had checked and double checked the results. He was quite clear about the fact that the food (or wine) contained a high dose of arsenic. I suggested him to take contact with sir Joshua, our potion-master to find out more details about the substance used.
Madame, these findings are clear. My conclusion is firm: the lady in question was poisoned, and probably fell (was pushed?) into the canal were she drowned...
The expression of fear on her face suggests the fact that she realized in her last moments the person who was with her wanted her death. Her former lover???
Madame, please warn the authorities... We have a coldblooded murderer among us....
Yours sincerely, Dr. P. Panacek.
Final autopsy report regarding the body found in the Canal.
From: Dr. P. Panacek, surgeon
To: Madame M. T. Milneaux - Vendramin.
Dear Madame,
I sincerely thank you for giving me the opportunity to examine the corpse found in the Venetian Canal near your palazzo. I am sending you a full report of my findings. One sign of warning must be mentioned: these results are puzzling and may even upset you.
The person brought to me was female, midst her twenties. She was dressed in a quite expensive and high quality gown, wich my dear fianc recognized as being designed by the famous designer Lady E. Luik from Paris. She was not wearing any jewellery.
First sight showed us a corpse who definitely bared the signs of being in the water for too long. The skin was all wrinkled and withered.
Her skin color was very pale, certainly a noble lady for sure, spending more hours inside the palazzo's than outside in the open air. One should expect a bit of a blue - greyish aspect of the skin, because we assumed that she was drown, but that sign was remarkably absent.
There was a clear state of rigor mortis. The body was cold. The expression on her face was one of great fear. What did she saw in her last minutes? What went on in her mind?
No other signs of injury could be found. No signs of bleeding, nor massive blood loss, also no signs of hematoma.
First i opened the thorax, taking a look at her lungs. They were both filled with water, what should emphasize the theory that the lady in question drowned.
Then i made an incision in the abdomen, revealing the intestines. I cut open the stomach and found the rests of her last meal, still intact. No signs of digestion already started. She ate some chicken, and tomatoes and drank some red wine.
The lady must have died quite short after having dinner. I took some samples and sended them to my new friend monsieur Eleas LeRoux, a promising medical student, apothecary, and herbalist who recently arrived at the Duch Du Coeur, for further examination.
Then suddenly something took my attention. I found traces of lipstick on her right inner thigh, and after closer examination i also found the same lipstick traces on the inside of her right ankle. Very strange indeed. Had she been with her lover just before the accident happened? Did they had dinner together?
But dear Madame, the most shocking fact came a bit later, when monsieur LeRoux came running to my practise in a state of high exaltation. He came telling me he found traces of arsenic in the remains of the mysterious lady's last dinner !!! He assured me that he had checked and double checked the results. He was quite clear about the fact that the food (or wine) contained a high dose of arsenic. I suggested him to take contact with sir Joshua, our potion-master to find out more details about the substance used.
Madame, these findings are clear. My conclusion is firm: the lady in question was poisoned, and probably fell (was pushed?) into the canal were she drowned...
The expression of fear on her face suggests the fact that she realized in her last moments the person who was with her wanted her death. Her former lover???
Madame, please warn the authorities... We have a coldblooded murderer among us....
Yours sincerely, Dr. P. Panacek.
Posted in: default
Aquitaine 13th of April 1768
Dear Diary,
its incredible to believe what strange events happened to me lately. For some wonderful reason, which i even don't dare to confident you, i think i finally found happiness in our beloved Duchy...
Since a few days i feel the urge to settle down, to end my days of wandering. Like i came to the end of my journey, and began to start another one, one i never ever dreamed that would happen. Like i am stepping into the great unknown... And... yes dear diary, this may seems strange, but i am HAPPY to take this step forward...
Well, lets stick to the bare facts, after all, i still am a scientist.
I exchanged my beloved haystack for a real home. Yes dear diary, don't be surprised, i rented a cottage at Touraine, at the lovely Loire Valley. It is a simple building, but i fell in love with it some time ago, when i came along on one of my long walks through the lovely Duchy. It was a farmer who rented it before me i guess. What has happened to him and his family? Have they emigrated to the New Colonies oversea? Did they die from the plague? Even the Duke himself could not solve this mystery. The former renters left without leaving a note. But they left their animals, so it looks like they fled in a hurry. When i first came in, a family of pigs had taken the cottage for their home. The cows where grazing at the backyard, and the once so beautiful garden had turned into a wilderness. It took me some days to clean it all up. Then i started to move in. I got some nice furniture from a merchant who imports them from the far city of Nantes. I still haven't unpacked all my crates though, so the house looks a bit of a mess... But for the first time in many years, i feel at home. Its nice to sleep in a real bed again, not with your head in the hay like i used to do for years. A soldier like myself doesn't needs much comfort, but my joints are hurting more and more each morning, so it looks that the years are finally catching in on me.
I soon hope to open my private practice there. Seeing patients at the monthly fair is ok, but i definitely need more income. I wonder if the town of Aquitaine has a smithy who can make me a sign to hang outside. The bare truth is, i have no money to rent a cabinet at the Academy i'm afraid. After all i am but only a simple Barber - Surgeon, with a lot of battlefront experience yes, but i am not an academic like dear colleague Adamski...
Last days, when i wake up in the morning, i hear the sounds of the forest behind my new home. The birds whistling their songs to celebrate the new spring. The flowers who are awakening after a long and hard winter. The trees who are blossoming. Long my soul hasn't seen such things of beauty. I am afraid I have seen too many men die in battle, i have seen too many foul wounds who would not heal. I still dream of captain Evans, who was like a brother to me, dying in my very arms. I remember his laughter, the beers we drank together at the taverns behind the battlefront, the girls we were chasing together (but never had any luck....). I remember his strength in command, leading us all into battle... one time to many.... Dear John, dear brother, i will never forget you.
But... all this seems like a far away and distant nightmare to me now. Its strange to find your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It feels... I have no words to describe this... like a warm and fuzzy feeling inside me... Some feeling i have never experienced before... and never will ever after...
Dear diary? I think i am in love...
Dear Diary,
its incredible to believe what strange events happened to me lately. For some wonderful reason, which i even don't dare to confident you, i think i finally found happiness in our beloved Duchy...
Since a few days i feel the urge to settle down, to end my days of wandering. Like i came to the end of my journey, and began to start another one, one i never ever dreamed that would happen. Like i am stepping into the great unknown... And... yes dear diary, this may seems strange, but i am HAPPY to take this step forward...
Well, lets stick to the bare facts, after all, i still am a scientist.
I exchanged my beloved haystack for a real home. Yes dear diary, don't be surprised, i rented a cottage at Touraine, at the lovely Loire Valley. It is a simple building, but i fell in love with it some time ago, when i came along on one of my long walks through the lovely Duchy. It was a farmer who rented it before me i guess. What has happened to him and his family? Have they emigrated to the New Colonies oversea? Did they die from the plague? Even the Duke himself could not solve this mystery. The former renters left without leaving a note. But they left their animals, so it looks like they fled in a hurry. When i first came in, a family of pigs had taken the cottage for their home. The cows where grazing at the backyard, and the once so beautiful garden had turned into a wilderness. It took me some days to clean it all up. Then i started to move in. I got some nice furniture from a merchant who imports them from the far city of Nantes. I still haven't unpacked all my crates though, so the house looks a bit of a mess... But for the first time in many years, i feel at home. Its nice to sleep in a real bed again, not with your head in the hay like i used to do for years. A soldier like myself doesn't needs much comfort, but my joints are hurting more and more each morning, so it looks that the years are finally catching in on me.
I soon hope to open my private practice there. Seeing patients at the monthly fair is ok, but i definitely need more income. I wonder if the town of Aquitaine has a smithy who can make me a sign to hang outside. The bare truth is, i have no money to rent a cabinet at the Academy i'm afraid. After all i am but only a simple Barber - Surgeon, with a lot of battlefront experience yes, but i am not an academic like dear colleague Adamski...
Last days, when i wake up in the morning, i hear the sounds of the forest behind my new home. The birds whistling their songs to celebrate the new spring. The flowers who are awakening after a long and hard winter. The trees who are blossoming. Long my soul hasn't seen such things of beauty. I am afraid I have seen too many men die in battle, i have seen too many foul wounds who would not heal. I still dream of captain Evans, who was like a brother to me, dying in my very arms. I remember his laughter, the beers we drank together at the taverns behind the battlefront, the girls we were chasing together (but never had any luck....). I remember his strength in command, leading us all into battle... one time to many.... Dear John, dear brother, i will never forget you.
But... all this seems like a far away and distant nightmare to me now. Its strange to find your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It feels... I have no words to describe this... like a warm and fuzzy feeling inside me... Some feeling i have never experienced before... and never will ever after...
Dear diary? I think i am in love...
Posted in: default
Aquitaine 16th of March 1768
Dear Diary,
What a week it has been.... First of all... i am alive... I can hardly believe it. Destiny can be cruel, guess my time hasn't come yet.
It seemed my wounds where merely superficial. It was just the shock that kept me trembling all week. My infirmire told me several times i was behaving strange. I assured her i was alright, but she would not believe me.
Well... that was the strangest fight i was ever into. So many great friends came along to support. The Gypsies where roaring angry at the Masked Chevalier. Even the Duke and the Duchesses their selves where present. I never felt that honored in my entire life.
From the first round on i was aware this Chevalier Mystre was a Master Swordsman. He could have killed me easily. But i felt that he was just teasing me, merely testing out my skills. After the second round he surely made up his mind. I'm sure he had already found out i had nothing to do with his past. His attention weakened and i even could score some points...
He left me to live another day. And... He saved my honor and my proud. Indeed he controlled the situation completely but made it so i didn't made a complete fool out of myself. Whatever the others may say or think... deep inside he his is a very noble man in my opinion. In other circumstances we even could have become friends.
After the fight we had a little party at the Tavern. I was euphoric... For the first time in ages i actually felt the warmth of the sun on my skin again... I smelled the sweet delicate perfume of roses... I felt.... ALIVE !!!!
Rumors have reached me, this mysterious masked man is hiding deep in the Duchy woods. Hunters have seen a strange person running away. Bloodstains where found on a tree bark... I feel for him. When we where fighting i felt his loneliness, his bitterness. Hatred, focused on one man he is willing to find... and kill. I am certain if he ever finds his opponent, his death is inevitable...
I wished i could help him, heal the wounds in his mind, listen to his story and give him advise to temper his feelings.
I hope some day he comes to me for help. I wanna thank him for sparing me...
I am sentenced to live... but i feel... he is sentenced for life...
Dear Diary,
What a week it has been.... First of all... i am alive... I can hardly believe it. Destiny can be cruel, guess my time hasn't come yet.
It seemed my wounds where merely superficial. It was just the shock that kept me trembling all week. My infirmire told me several times i was behaving strange. I assured her i was alright, but she would not believe me.
Well... that was the strangest fight i was ever into. So many great friends came along to support. The Gypsies where roaring angry at the Masked Chevalier. Even the Duke and the Duchesses their selves where present. I never felt that honored in my entire life.
From the first round on i was aware this Chevalier Mystre was a Master Swordsman. He could have killed me easily. But i felt that he was just teasing me, merely testing out my skills. After the second round he surely made up his mind. I'm sure he had already found out i had nothing to do with his past. His attention weakened and i even could score some points...
He left me to live another day. And... He saved my honor and my proud. Indeed he controlled the situation completely but made it so i didn't made a complete fool out of myself. Whatever the others may say or think... deep inside he his is a very noble man in my opinion. In other circumstances we even could have become friends.
After the fight we had a little party at the Tavern. I was euphoric... For the first time in ages i actually felt the warmth of the sun on my skin again... I smelled the sweet delicate perfume of roses... I felt.... ALIVE !!!!
Rumors have reached me, this mysterious masked man is hiding deep in the Duchy woods. Hunters have seen a strange person running away. Bloodstains where found on a tree bark... I feel for him. When we where fighting i felt his loneliness, his bitterness. Hatred, focused on one man he is willing to find... and kill. I am certain if he ever finds his opponent, his death is inevitable...
I wished i could help him, heal the wounds in his mind, listen to his story and give him advise to temper his feelings.
I hope some day he comes to me for help. I wanna thank him for sparing me...
I am sentenced to live... but i feel... he is sentenced for life...
Waiting for the Chevalier Mystre....
The moment of truth...
Posted in: default
Aquitaine 08th of March 1768
Dear Diary,
I woke up with a slight headache I think Marias ale is too strong after all
What a weekend it was. I attended the Duchy Fair again. And such strange events took place
Saturday we had the finale of the Quest for the Queens Trumeau. When I arrived the team of Maria and Seamus just found the final part. A well earned victory indeed. They worked very hard for it and I am glad they made the end. We had a great celebration and I was happy to be there. It looks like I finally found a place I can call my home.
Yesterday the fortune teller readed the cards for me. Its creepy how some pieces fell on their place. Can it be true? After all I am a man of science, lets stick to the bare facts But still some sense of imminent danger came over me.
Certainly after an unknown man, wearing a mask, came at the fair and started to insult me. He called himself Le Chevalier Mystre. He challenged me for a duel to find out if I am the man he was looking for I can not imagine I ever made enemies. But like all men in battle, I faced horrors too cruel to describe Could he be someone who wants revenge? Does my past comes back to haunt me?
I still have those vivid dreams. Every night captain Evans dies in my arms again Again and again. I loved him as a brother God knows I tried to save him, but his wounds were too massive. I never felt so helpless and little in my entire life.
Well, today at the En Garde Fencing piste behind the Tavern at 01.00 pm, it finally will be decided for me. I was wondered how much support I got. The Gipsy family was extremely kind. One of their leaders even offered me his help. He is going to be my second They are a proud people indeed. Whatever the result will be, I am already in their debt.
I didnt dare to tell my infirmire. She would be too worried. I arranged that a close friend of mine will give her an amount of money when I pass away, so she will have a good life when Im gone. Thats the least I could do for her.
Well I am not afraid to die. Whatever the outcome, its Gods will. Friar Wasar will certainly agree on that. Maybe today I will find long lasting peace.
Dear Diary,
I woke up with a slight headache I think Marias ale is too strong after all
What a weekend it was. I attended the Duchy Fair again. And such strange events took place
Saturday we had the finale of the Quest for the Queens Trumeau. When I arrived the team of Maria and Seamus just found the final part. A well earned victory indeed. They worked very hard for it and I am glad they made the end. We had a great celebration and I was happy to be there. It looks like I finally found a place I can call my home.
Yesterday the fortune teller readed the cards for me. Its creepy how some pieces fell on their place. Can it be true? After all I am a man of science, lets stick to the bare facts But still some sense of imminent danger came over me.
Certainly after an unknown man, wearing a mask, came at the fair and started to insult me. He called himself Le Chevalier Mystre. He challenged me for a duel to find out if I am the man he was looking for I can not imagine I ever made enemies. But like all men in battle, I faced horrors too cruel to describe Could he be someone who wants revenge? Does my past comes back to haunt me?
I still have those vivid dreams. Every night captain Evans dies in my arms again Again and again. I loved him as a brother God knows I tried to save him, but his wounds were too massive. I never felt so helpless and little in my entire life.
Well, today at the En Garde Fencing piste behind the Tavern at 01.00 pm, it finally will be decided for me. I was wondered how much support I got. The Gipsy family was extremely kind. One of their leaders even offered me his help. He is going to be my second They are a proud people indeed. Whatever the result will be, I am already in their debt.
I didnt dare to tell my infirmire. She would be too worried. I arranged that a close friend of mine will give her an amount of money when I pass away, so she will have a good life when Im gone. Thats the least I could do for her.
Well I am not afraid to die. Whatever the outcome, its Gods will. Friar Wasar will certainly agree on that. Maybe today I will find long lasting peace.
Posted in: default
Aquitaine 14th of February 1768.
Dear diary,
its been a long time since i have written something. Maybe its better i start to write down again my thoughts, to clear my troubled mind....
I arrived in Aquitaine again, the quiet town i left a few months ago. It's good to be back. I can think and work here. So many books i still have to read. I love taking long walks at the countryside... The winter is fleeing and spring lurks around the corner... Flowers are preparing to blossom again. I am in love with the smell of roses and lilies... Can't wait till the summer...
Yesterday i attended the Timeless Romance Ball. I was surprised by all the splendor and people there. The Duke and Duchesses are very charming and warm hosts. The Grand Palais was decorated with plants and flowers everywhere. It must have costed a great deal of work to arrange all that... So many great looking outfits also.
I am never sure about myself, how to behave in such a crowd. I guess i am a loner after all. Some ladies wanted to dance with me, but i am afraid i made a complete fool out of myself... Awww the matters of the heart... I am ignorant regarding those i am afraid. I'd rather fix a dozen broken limbs than to unraffle the mysteries of a woman's needs....
Lucky my lovely assistante showed up. I first met her when i was still studying in Leiden. One day i had attended a lecture of the great Dr. Boerhaave, when i got out of the building and stumbled upon her... After we both got up, and i picked up all her scattered groceries.... we started to talk. She had lived a hard life, but was very intelligent and keen to learn. Since then we are a team. She helps me with some daily matters when i am at home and assists me with difficult operations. Sometimes, when i am on my travels, we don't see each other for months. But then again, when we meet, its... like coming home...
Dear diary, i am afraid i have been secretly in love with her all that time... If she ever finds out, i am afraid for what could happen...
I got the books i ordered today. Oh My God, i got the "Exercitatio anatomica de motu cordis et sanguinis in animalibus" ('The Anatomical Function of the Movement of the Heart and the Blood in Animals') from William Harvey. At last !!! I am so excited i found a nice copy. It costed me a fortune, but it is worth every penny...
Owwww my, i still keep having those terrible nightmares... Won't they ever go away? I better take some Laudanum tincture again tonight. Maybe i get some peace then....
Dear diary,
its been a long time since i have written something. Maybe its better i start to write down again my thoughts, to clear my troubled mind....
I arrived in Aquitaine again, the quiet town i left a few months ago. It's good to be back. I can think and work here. So many books i still have to read. I love taking long walks at the countryside... The winter is fleeing and spring lurks around the corner... Flowers are preparing to blossom again. I am in love with the smell of roses and lilies... Can't wait till the summer...
Yesterday i attended the Timeless Romance Ball. I was surprised by all the splendor and people there. The Duke and Duchesses are very charming and warm hosts. The Grand Palais was decorated with plants and flowers everywhere. It must have costed a great deal of work to arrange all that... So many great looking outfits also.
I am never sure about myself, how to behave in such a crowd. I guess i am a loner after all. Some ladies wanted to dance with me, but i am afraid i made a complete fool out of myself... Awww the matters of the heart... I am ignorant regarding those i am afraid. I'd rather fix a dozen broken limbs than to unraffle the mysteries of a woman's needs....
Lucky my lovely assistante showed up. I first met her when i was still studying in Leiden. One day i had attended a lecture of the great Dr. Boerhaave, when i got out of the building and stumbled upon her... After we both got up, and i picked up all her scattered groceries.... we started to talk. She had lived a hard life, but was very intelligent and keen to learn. Since then we are a team. She helps me with some daily matters when i am at home and assists me with difficult operations. Sometimes, when i am on my travels, we don't see each other for months. But then again, when we meet, its... like coming home...
Dear diary, i am afraid i have been secretly in love with her all that time... If she ever finds out, i am afraid for what could happen...
I got the books i ordered today. Oh My God, i got the "Exercitatio anatomica de motu cordis et sanguinis in animalibus" ('The Anatomical Function of the Movement of the Heart and the Blood in Animals') from William Harvey. At last !!! I am so excited i found a nice copy. It costed me a fortune, but it is worth every penny...
Owwww my, i still keep having those terrible nightmares... Won't they ever go away? I better take some Laudanum tincture again tonight. Maybe i get some peace then....
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