Queen's Hamlet
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QH Co-op: The News ~ Apr 13, 2017

Tatiana Dokuchic
8 years ago
1,919 posts

Happy Easter ~ Happy Spring!

Congratulations!  We survived our first winter! 

Personally I didn't know if I would make it through to the warm weather.  As most Co-op members know, I basically barricaded myself in one of the Hamlet cottages and ate large quantities of goat cheese to keep my strength up.  As it was hard to move while wearing all that woolen clothing I only ventured out to tend the goats.  I did get a lot of reading done (until my store of candles dwindled) as the farm slept through the short days of the year.  Kudos to all our farmers who managed to tend their winter crops, get some ice fishing done and take a turn or two around the frozen pond on their ice skates.  Special thanks to those that checked in on me even though I tended to yell "GO AWAY" more often than not, it wasn't personal ;)

Today the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and one year into our Co-op experiment we're well established!  There are goats everywhere and Donkey is still keeping watch over them.

TatianaDokuchicQH Spring 2017 Goats.png

There's also news about our mines which will soon be transitioned over to newer versions.  We have until July to empty the old ones out.  The QH iron mine is almost empty and when it's gone I'll replace it with a new version.  As an added bonus, a Gold Mine has been set up at the back entrance of the Market.  If you ever wanted to mine for gold, now's the time!

TatianaDokuchicQH Spring 2017 Gold.png

So how did you manage to survive the winter?  Any stories you'd like to share with us?  What are your plans for this new year?

Tell us your tales!


Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 01 May 2017 10:26:30AM