Queen's Hamlet
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QH Co-op: The News ~ May 1, 2017

Tatiana Dokuchic
8 years ago
1,919 posts

Happy May Day!

What a beautiful & busy time of the year.  Not only are we busy cleaning up after a long winter but there's so much new to do.  As a bit of a celebration, a new QH Tree House has been added near the iron mine (and the new salt mine).

Please feel free to spend some time up in the tree tops.

TatianaDokuchicQH Tree House.png

There are a number of new activities related to the just-released perishable seafood.  Yes, all food items caught with a fishing rod now come with a expiry date and must be either cooked or packaged before they spoil.  Luckily this doesn't effect our old catches but here's what's different:

Basket Making: Baskets can be woven from rence using the Basketwork station.  A new one is now available in the QH Co-op Market  near the spinning wheel.  Baskets can be used to store ore/salt from the new mines.  They can also be used to pack seafood.

Box Making: Seven new boxes can be made with the Carpentry Workbench.  See the Book of Boxes displayed on the wall near the bench for directions.  These boxes can be used to pack seafood.

Scrap Wood Tip: Did you know that you can turn Verr Skins into scrap wood?  Just load a skin into the Carpentry Workbench and out comes scrap wood.  This can be very useful for those of us with lots of skins who need the scrap wood to make boxes.  As this is an unofficial hack it may not continue to work but right now it's quite handy.

Salt Mining: There's a brand-new salt mine next to the old iron mine.  You will need energy, a pickaxe and a basket (optional).

Seafood Packing Table : One new table has been added to the area behind the Office .  Another may be added depending on our discussion in QH We Need a Seafood Packing Strategy! so please put your thinking-caps on and help us come up with a new packing system.

Old Mines: We're still working on emptying our old iron, copper & gold mines.  We have until July.  Once they're gone we will switch over to the new system.

The ripple effect of all of these changes is quite exciting.  Right now I'm guessing there's a market for salt, baskets & boxes so anyone interested should start making & selling them.  This also should see a boost in the need for wood (for boxes), iron (for nails for boxes), rence (for baskets), pickaxes, etc.

Too much fun!  If you have any questions give me a shout.


Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 01 May 2017 11:24:39AM