Queen's Hamlet
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QH Co-op: The News ~ April 10, 2016

Tatiana Dokuchic
9 years ago
1,919 posts

Hello Everyone!

Another busy, busy week for the Queen's Hamlet Co-op . Besides taking care of our crops & livestock, we've continued to expand our activities in blacksmithing, carpentry and textiles. As it turns out, chopping down trees can actually be quite therapeutic.


Congratulations go out to Hatsuka , who was the first person to complete our BLACKSMITH APPRENTICE program. She'll soon be working on some farming tools that will make all of our lives much easier. She also provided a brand new Blacksmith Starter Tool Set so there's a spot open for another apprentice.

The Carpenter's Shop is now open and has been stocked with some essential materials. Many thanks to Elisabeth for donating this set! I'll be writing up Carpentry Basics soon but in the meantime please feel free to contact me if you need help getting started.


Yes, you do have to clean up after yourself!! Honestly, the sawdust & sweeping with the broom are just too much fun.

If you're looking for an activity that's a little cleaner, a new Textile section has been set up in the Market .


Earn some coins by spinning raw wool into yarn as the Co-op will pay 40c for each finished spool of thread.

You may also want to try your hand at making a tapestry on the loom. Sets of wool in Basic & Pastel colours are available for purchase as are individual colours from the goats raised in the Hamlet.

As I mentioned last week, we now have a limited supply of Rence & Ka-la-na. Rence Flour and Ka-la-na in bowls are available just outside of the Office.


This is also a great place to buy individual portions of ingredients. If you're looking to buy in more volume, check out the Market . As you can see, the Seafood section is really coming along nicely as are the Gourmet Meals .


And on a rather sad note, Phillipe our purebred black & white goat has reached the end of his days. I was actually standing beside him when he changed from black & white to all black :(


His family lives on as documented in our QH Book of Goats. I guess now might be an insensitive time to mention that our Gourmet Meals will soon contain goat meat.

Those are the highlights for this week!

Comments & questions are always welcome.


Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 24 Oct 2016 05:59:39AM