Queen's Hamlet
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Co-op Fees

Tatiana Dokuchic
9 years ago
1,919 posts


Yes, that's usually my reaction when I see the dreaded "F" word. But in this case, Fees are a good thing ... really ... :)

The Official Blurb on Co-op fees.

These fees are intended as a means of stimulating activity therefore providing a better overall experience for all members.

All fees will be paid in units produced (sacks of grain, eggs, etc.) and/or RP Coins. L$ are NOT required. Fees are paid on a regular basis to the Estate Manager (MikhailDokuchic Resident). Payment rates will evolve according to current economic conditions (i.e. to keep things fun & interesting).

First off, fees make this activity more challenging but the real reason for using them is to spread the wealth around. Everything collected will be put back into the community in some way or another. Now about those "evolving payment rates" here's the current plan ...

Regular Co-op Members

One unit from each crop tended due on the 10th & 25th of the month i.e. approximately one third of their total production.

For example, if you are farming one field of wheat and one field of grapes you will pay one sack of grain and one basket of grapes twice a month.

For the new 3.0 Fields (tomatoes, grapes etc.) you may deliver your payment in either a sack or a basket (3.0 grapes only please).  If a basket it used, it will be returned to you as soon as the produce is processed.

Ten barrels of water due on the 10th of the month.  This is to help with the "self-watering" fields instead of having to haul your own barrels.  Extra water is always appreciated.


Co-op Fees will not be charged on products that can be "gathered" such as fish.

Co-op Fees will not be charged on fields which are owned by tenants.

Market Costs

Selling merchandise (RP products only) in the QH Market (up to a limit of LI=10) is free for everyone already paying a regular Co-op fee.

REVISED: March 20, 2019

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 18 Apr 2019 01:05:51PM
Tatiana Dokuchic
9 years ago
1,919 posts

Making Payments to the Estate Manager

A simple system of drop-boxes has been installed so farmers can leave their payments (sacks, barrels, whatever) for Mikhail to pick up. Hopefully this will be a bit more realistic than just sending things via inventory AND it has the added attraction of keeping Mikhail a tad more organized.

The boxes are located just beside the Office


Contact Tatiana to have yours initialized for you. After it has been initialized only you will be able to drop items into the box and only Tatiana or Mikhail will be able to retrieve them. Your payments are locked up tight.

When you're ready to put something in:

Touch to open the box. The box lid should be raised when ready for drop.
Select the items to transfer from inventory window with Control+Left mouse button
Drag to the box until it is highlighted in red, then release
After 60 seconds or when the worker touches the box it will close, and notify the owner what objects where added

We've tested the system and it seems to work really well (if you remember to use Control+Left mouse button).

Donations of RP items (extra fish etc.) can also be made using the drop-boxes.

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Tatiana Dokuchic
6 years ago
1,919 posts

Updates: March 20, 2019

I've finally gotten around to officially adding fees for the new 3.0 fields including grapes & tomatoes.  I've also included ten barrels of water per month which was mentioned in a notice but never formally documented.

The fees for the tomatoes are brand-new :)

Many thanks to all of you hard-working farmers & artisans who continue to make the QH Co-op a delightful active roleplay environment.

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 20 Mar 2019 10:09:51AM