Ekaterina Vorontsova-Dashkova
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Music at Marquise de Tourzel's Residence

user image 2016-04-17
By: Ekaterina Vorontsova-Dashkova
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As the sounds of horses and carriage wheels could be heard from outside the gates, Marquise de Tourzel had a last-minute glass of champagne for luck this evening. She received unexpected news early on the same day that His Majesty Louis XVI would be one of the guests to arrive on his way from Saint-Cloud to Versailles. She wished the stairs were better cleaned and polished to make the marble shine, as would be appropriate for such a special guest. But nothing can be changed now...

Diary Entry April 17th, 1776.

The young Franco-Austrian musician Monsieur Gerhard was very kind to receive my invitation to entertain us for the evening. He is very talented and holds much promise in court! There were a lot of attendees, more than I anticipated. His Majesty's presence was not expected but very much welcomed, and it is always lovely to see Princesse de Lamballe, she is such a good friend to have.

I am writing now in a condition close to agony. Since the early evening, I have slowly developed a very much unwelcome headache, and, unfortunately, had to retire early in His Majesty's presence. Such a failure as a hostess! But luckily, His Majesty was quite understanding, being weary of travels himself. Madame Langlais was very kind assisting me out of the salon and arranging with her husband Docteur Langlais for a mesmerist consultation. I should let one of my valets to send a message with arrangements sometime soon . . .

NB More photos on Facebook and Flickr!



(photo credits to AlasandAlack & Pepa Cometa)