Avatar: HHDoctorRaven
VW: Second Life
Location: Bath
Country: GB
VW: Second Life
Location: Bath
Country: GB

Thursday July 4 2019, 12:00 PM - Thursday July 4 2019, 2:00 PM
@ Winter Palace, Saint Petersburg (see description for SLUrl!)
@ Winter Palace, Saint Petersburg (see description for SLUrl!)
Attend the Empress' dinner, where she receives and entertains guests before her late evening walk.
Time: 12PM SLT
Dress code: Robe a la francaise / Evening Wear (for gentlemen); powdered hair, gloves, jewellery, epée etc.
SLUrl: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Burning%20Embers/240/61/3315
[ You can participate only if you are a registered RP-er. You can still observe wearing appropriate historical outfit & OOC Visitor Tag (available in-world )]
Apply today! https://goo.gl/forms/hNHtLcNLcrjTx2fq1
Visit Main Website: https://stpetersburginsl.wixsite.com/stpetersburginsl
Bookmark our Events Calendar to stay up-to-date: https://stpetersburginsl.wixsite.com/stpetersburginsl/calendar
See you soon!
- Saint Petersburg in SL Management