Forum Activity for @tatiana-dokuchic

Tatiana Dokuchic
30 Oct 2016 07:59:10AM
1,919 posts

Second Life: New & Cool Developments


Post the latest developments in Second Life whether they're new, cool, or just plain silly.  It's all good! :)

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 30 Oct 2016 08:06:47AM
Tatiana Dokuchic
29 Oct 2016 08:42:06AM
1,919 posts

CdT Cabinet Anversois

House & Garden

Merci beaucoup, Catherine & Zed!

Cabinets were indeed wonderful works of art created by the finest craftsmen.  Lovely to read some of their history here :)

Tatiana Dokuchic
28 Oct 2016 02:28:13PM
1,919 posts

QH Co-op: The News ~ October 28, 2016

QH News

Hello Everyone!

Summer has fled and we find ourselves participating in a very busy harvest season.

Una Grape Harvest Banquet 01.jpg

Our congratulations go out to Una who prepared a fantastic banquet for the Grape Harvest Festival  and earned a Bronze Hosting Challenge Badge in the process.  Photo Credits Una Lunaqat on Flickr

Kudos also to Lady Hartfield who is offering Goats (Verr) - Always Free to QH/LH Members! .  If you're looking to start breeding purebred, white goats (just like Marie Antoinette did in rl) give her a shout.


Speaking of the QH Co-op Marketplace, now that our group has matured the restirction on selling G&S items for L$ has been lifted.  See QH Becoming a Merchant: Setting up Vendors  for the latest information regarding sales in both Coins & L$.

Last but not least, you may have noticed that the QH Co-op Group Discussions have been move to the new  Duché de Coeur Profile Forum. This is an experiment in extending functionality to groups with a lot of discussions.  Group members please POST & FOLLOW there.

Always fun to be the guinea pigs!!

That's all for now.


updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 28 Oct 2016 02:42:47PM
Tatiana Dokuchic
28 Oct 2016 12:12:20PM
1,919 posts

Site News: Monetizing / Advertising

Site News & Guidelines

So what's up with the advertising on this site?

Most of the money necessary to keep this site running comes from donations and we're very fortunate to have a community willing to contribute towards this upkeep.  This site is truly a labour of love and is never-ever-ever going to be a money maker, our goal is to cover costs.

As costs have risen, I've been looking at other ways to make ends meet, Monetization / Advertising being one of the more obvious.  I thought it might be beneficial for everyone to know how the different advertising works.

Fitbit Affiliate:

Fitbit is honestly one of my favourite things so I happy to promote it as an affiliate. LHVW receives 12% of any sales made after following a Fitbit link.

Amazon Affiliate:

LHVW receives a small percentage (starting at 4% on a sliding scale) of any sale made from the American site  Amazon com or the Canadian site Amazon ca after following one of our links.  An interesting point; your purchase does not have to be related to the link you followed.  If you plan to do any shopping on Amazon going through one of our is a painless way to contribute to this site.

Google Adsense:

Google Adsense pays out in two main ways:


LHVW receives revenue for Advertisements that are displayed on the site.  Right now this amounts to an average of about USD$0.02 a day.  One of the reasons this is so low is that I just can't bring myself to display Ads in prime spots (like a banner at the very top of the page).  I'd really rather highlight our own content.  I have, however, increased the number of Adsense Ads throughout the site so we'll see how it goes.


LHVW receives revenue for Advertisements that are followed (clicked).  Google is really fussy about this (so fussy that I've always been scared to even talk about it) and they have algorithms to determine if the clicks generated from a site are valid.  If you are genuinely interested in an Adsense Ad, clicking on it will contribute revenue to this site.

Questions?  Comments?  Concerns? Other ideas for Advertising Revenue? 

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 14 Nov 2016 08:05:38AM
Tatiana Dokuchic
28 Oct 2016 09:28:51AM
1,919 posts

The Romanov jewels: 3 sets of earrings


They are very beautiful, Zed.  Who wouldn't want Romanov jewellery!  Thanks for sharing them with us.

Tatiana Dokuchic
27 Oct 2016 02:16:54PM
1,919 posts

What are you Reading? v2

Book Lovers

Glad you found your way here, Zed!

The Plantagenets sound like an excellent read.  Thanks for the recommendation; I'll have to check it out.

I agree with your assessment of The Pillars of the Earth and World Without End.  TPOTE was by far my favourite as well.  Loved learning about the architecture of the cathedrals, the mathematics behind it and the use of symmetry which not only was beautiful but was a cost saving measure.

Tatiana Dokuchic
27 Oct 2016 11:40:50AM
1,919 posts

Skyrim Special Edition Arrives Tomorrow (Oct 28)


There is!  I spend most of my time wandering around gathering herbs and then making potions.  That is when I'm not building another house.  I think I'm only about 50% through the main quest so here's another opportunity to get some more done.

Tatiana Dokuchic
27 Oct 2016 06:36:47AM
1,919 posts

QH Becoming a Merchant: Setting up Vendors

QH Resources & Guides

The QH Co-op Market now accepts goods sold in Coins & L$ from all merchants.  :)

I've modified Setting Up Vendors with the Coins & L$ information.

Tatiana Dokuchic
26 Oct 2016 05:52:43PM
1,919 posts

Site News: 2017 Fundraiser

Site News & Guidelines

Merci beaucoup:

Candace Ducatillon
Jane Ixtar
