Forum Activity for @tatiana-dokuchic

Tatiana Dokuchic
03 Nov 2016 10:05:58AM
1,919 posts

Second Life: New Perk! Prim Limit Increase


This deserves a topic all of its own!!

Go Premium for 50% Off* & Enjoy Our Newest Perks, Plus an Exclusive Gift!   

New Perk! Prim Limit Increase

Premium members are entitled to a Linden Home and can own parcels on the Mainland. Now, we're raising the limit on the number of prims you can use in those spaces. This means you will have more prims and creative flexibility to decorate and customize your own space.   Land impact (object) capacity on Mainland Regions will go from 15,000 to 22,500 - that’s a lot more building capacity!

In addition to this, we will further carry the prim limit increases to the private estate regions shortly.  Keep your eye on our blogs for more information!

An episode of Designing Worlds comes out later this afternoon which talks more in-depth about this new perk. We’ll update this blog once it’s available.


Tatiana Dokuchic
03 Nov 2016 06:47:42AM
1,919 posts

What are you Reading? v2

Book Lovers

Not my regular genre, but I absolutely loved The Nix.

The Nix.jpg  

Meet Samuel Andresen-Anderson - stalled writer, bored teacher at a local college, obsessive player of online video games. He hasn't seen his mother, Faye, in decades, not since she abandoned her family when he was a boy. Now she has suddenly reappeared, having committed an absurd politically-motivated crime that electrifies the nightly news, beguiles the Internet, and inflames a divided country. The media paints Faye as a radical hippie with a sordid past, but as far as Samuel knows, his mother was an ordinary girl who married her high school sweetheart. Which version of his mother is true? Two facts are certain - she's facing some serious charges, and she needs Samuel's help.

As Samuel begins to excavate his mother's - and his country's - history, the story moves from the rural Midwest of the 1960s, to New York City during the Great Recession and the Occupy Wall Street movement, and back to the infamous riots at the 1968 Chicago Democratic National Convention. Finally, the trail leads him to wartime Norway, home of the mysterious Nix that his mother told him about as a child, a spirit that can take the shape of a white horse, luring children to their deaths. And in these places, Samuel will unexpectedly find that he has to rethink everything he ever knew about his mother - a woman with an epic story of her own, a story she has kept hidden from the world.

Well-drawn characters; I was rooting for some and really hoping others would get their just deserts.  Loved the insights, including the guys that play a fictional MMO called Elfscape.  The team leader spends five hours a day just in preparation for "having fun" later in the evening with his crew.  A cautionary tale for sure ;)

The plot kept me guessing and I ended up binge-reading to get to the conclusion.

Highly recommended!

Tatiana Dokuchic
03 Nov 2016 04:20:34AM
1,919 posts

CdT & "TB" Family heirlooms, Chair Louis Philippe 1830 - 1848

House & Garden

Looks fabulous, Zed!  What a great project, to be able to model from your rl family treasures.

Thank you for the brief history of the Louis Philippe style, it's definitely one of my rl favourites.  Yes, I have one of those sleigh beds :)

Tatiana Dokuchic
02 Nov 2016 02:56:50PM
1,919 posts

Second Life: New & Cool Developments


Second Life Mainland LI / prim allowance increase

The forums  in Second Life and elsewhere were agog on Tuesday, November 1st when Mainland users started noticing something amiss following the weekly Main (SLS) channel deployment and restart.

Region Land Impact / prim allowances for Mainland regions on the SLS channel had all increased!

Please, please, please do this for private regions as well!!!

Tatiana Dokuchic
31 Oct 2016 08:22:14AM
1,919 posts

Show off your Hallowe'en Outifts!

General Discussion

I've had a lot of different costumes over the years but this one was really waaaay out of my traditional comfort zone.  Of course it really helped that Skye was there to egg me on!  Together we combined to make steam ;)

From Hallowe'en 2015: Fire & Water


Tatiana Dokuchic
31 Oct 2016 08:18:18AM
1,919 posts

Show off your Hallowe'en Outifts!

General Discussion

Happy Hallowe'en!

I know that everyday feels like "dress-up day" in SL but we tend to really go all out on Hallowe'en.  Here's a chance to show us your favourite Hallowe'en outfits, past or present, so we can all enjoy that costumey goodness :)

Halloween 01.jpg

P.S.  I've found that images with a max width of 600 work best on the discussions.

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 31 Oct 2016 08:41:28AM
Tatiana Dokuchic
31 Oct 2016 07:59:20AM
1,919 posts

Second Life: New & Cool Developments


Thanks for the "Mesh Head" info, Leopoldina!

One of the best things for me about all this "new & cool" stuff is that LL is still working to keep SL relevant.  I didn't know if they would, with Sansar on the horizon so I'm always glad to see something interesting.

Tatiana Dokuchic
31 Oct 2016 05:35:52AM
1,919 posts

Skyrim Special Edition Arrives Tomorrow (Oct 28)


Dragonballs: Modded Original Skyrim Saves Won’t Work In Skyrim Special Edition

This is all very unfortunate, though in my case it’s not entirely a bad thing. I loaded up my last savegame, from February 2013, in Skyrim original, and had absolutely no idea where I was, what I was doing and, most of all, whatever it was I had cared about. My best bet of enjoying Skyrim again is to start afresh, not to try and commune with my past self. I’d love to have the choice at least, mind you – let’s hope something impossible does happen.

I fired up Skyrim SE over the weekend and made a fresh start.  As mentioned above, I too had no idea "what I had cared about" so this was a chance for a new adventure.

This time around I'm using an Xbox One Wireless Controller on my PC which makes a huge difference.  It's also grand that my current machine is much better than the one I started playing Skyrim on in 2011.

Also, I'm a bit wiser in the world of Skyrim where experience really does pay off.

I'm having a grand time even though I'm just at Level 3 so far and I figure that by the time the new mods really start coming out I'll be ready to add them. 

Has anyone else given it a whirl?

Tatiana Dokuchic
30 Oct 2016 08:04:35AM
1,919 posts

Second Life: New & Cool Developments


From the lovely Strawberry Singh more news on the Bento Project.  Soon we'll all literally be pointing fingers or beckoning ;)

Vista Animations Bento ProHands & Drax Files Episode!

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 30 Oct 2016 08:05:48AM
Tatiana Dokuchic
30 Oct 2016 07:59:44AM
1,919 posts

Second Life: New & Cool Developments


This sounds interesting!

A New Perspective on Second Life

A New Perspective on Second Life.jpg

If pictures are worth a thousand words, 360 degree images must be worth millions. That’s why we decided to develop a feature called 360 Snapshots that will make it easy to capture and share 360º images from Second Life. Check out some of these samples !

Available now as a Project Viewer, this is a new way to capture these amazing images all in a single click. At the moment, you will need to host these images on a web server to view or share. Instructions on where to get the Project Viewer and how to help and provide feedback are on the wiki .

This great new feature is not yet complete; there are known issues with the image quality and we have not yet added support for directly sharing images from the Viewer - never fear, we're working on all of that. We’re sharing and hoping all of you will check this Viewer out and report any issues you may encounter. We can’t wait to see your 360 showcase!
