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Waves to my fellow Canadians
I've just added the Canadian site Amazon ca . Any purchases made after following that link will contribute towards LHVW.
Waves to my fellow Canadians
I've just added the Canadian site Amazon ca . Any purchases made after following that link will contribute towards LHVW.
Very sad news; my sympathy to his family & friends. Thanks for letting us know, Merry.
Well isn't this a whole lot of role-play fun!
Thanks for showing us how it's done, Claire-Sophie. I'll be trying it out soon
Very cool!
Besides Pride & Prejudice I've read:
Might have to go on a binge re-reading and join you in December
That is good news! Thanks, Merry
P.S. I've moved this to Marketplace: Business Announcements.
Technology reveals story behind medieval book, The Aberdeen Bestiary
New technology has revealed an ancient book owned by Henry VIII was not intended for the royal elite but was in fact a tool for teaching.
Digitally enhanced photography has uncovered the revelations about the lavishly illustrated medieval book, The Aberdeen Bestiary.
Interesting news about illuminated manuscripts. So beautiful!
Some extra-prim fun from Inara Pey!
Thanks Tat for the infor - as usually slept through the whole thing :p
You're very welcome!
It's actually really new news as there wasn't any hint of it before it actually started happening on Tuesday.
Now what will you do with those extra prims??
Lab reveals LI / prim allowance changes in Second Life in full
However, on Thursday, November 3rd, the Lab officially announced that they are increasing the Land Impact allowance for Second Life regions. The new allowances are:
A tad disappointed that Private estates won't get the Mainland allowance of 22.5K but I'll take the extras on Homesteads and OpenSpace.