QH Brag About Your "Firsts" v1
QH Discussions
Brava! You've have been busy this first week. Being a founding member always has extra challenges (like getting enough to eat) so it's good to see you doing so well.
Brava! You've have been busy this first week. Being a founding member always has extra challenges (like getting enough to eat) so it's good to see you doing so well.
Wow - you can read & use a hoe at the same time! I'd probably chop some of my toes off if I tried that (reminds self to get some boots and stop farming in her slippers).
Glad to see how quickly you've adapted to farm life. Looking forward to more
March 10 ... way back on March 1 I happened to snag a basket of gold while I was out fishing ... today I took it to the Office Mint and sold it ...
First Gold Sale ...
The basket contained 5 pieces of gold and I received 25c for each piece. Yes, a grand total of 125c! Now I know this will be extremely exciting to those of us that have learned to make due with a diminishing fortune of 15c and a whole lot of fish. Unless you've been there you probably just won't get it
Let the good times roll!!
The Tuna Tournament sounds deadly! Will have to investigate.
It's really exciting seeing items going up for sale. Thanks!
March 12 ...
First WinePressed & Agedin the Co-op
This is the first barrel of wine produced in the Co-op. It came from 2014 "imported" grapes (i.e. those that came in the Wine Press Kit not those actually grown in the Hamlet).
You can drop by the Winery tosample a free glass. Touch the barrel and the glass is delivered. Wear the glass to drink. The wine is consumed in a number of sips.
I swear I heard music with the first taste
Really looking forward to the first wine produced from our home-grown grapes!
He looks a bit shifty-eyed to me, Una. I'd keep watch if I was you
Congratulations on your harvests!
March 17 ... sun shining ... birds singing ... out collecting honey ... and then it happens ...
My First Time Being Swarmed by Bees!
Now I don't have a picture of the actual swarming because I was too busy making a run for it but here's the scene of the event.
Looks like I may have to invest in some bee-keeping equipment!
It really was kind of freaky, especially since it happened to both of us on the same day. By the way, how was your swim in the pond? Warm? Muddy? Inquiring minds want to know
Wow! Looks great!
Did you check out the new Culinary Challenges ? You're well on your way to a bronze medal.
I too have sold my gold basket for food. The price of eggs is currently being subsidized by the Co-op (i.e. it's lower than world prices) but it's all relative when your total fortune is 15c. Some day we'll look back at our poverty, smile and say "those were good times starting out"