Adopt a Goat
QH Resources & Guides
I've been thinking about you and your "experience" )
I'll certainly add you!
I've been thinking about you and your "experience" )
I'll certainly add you!
The Adopt-a-Goat program got off to a rather slow start as we keep getting more males than females. Males are nice and all but trying to milk them can get you into a whole lot of trouble - "No Cheese For You!!".
In any case, a first pair has been adopted and are doing well. Here's a picture courtesy of Claire-Sophie their new owner, who I understand is currently spoiling them rotten
Now that everyone on the Adoption List has been given a starter pair of goats, I thought it would be a good time to open the process up for either a bit of trading or just free to a good home.
Please list what you have to give and/or what you would like to acquire!
Looking to trade:
Darla a Female Brown Crossbred Born 2016-05-09
A youngish Female, in Grey. Grey & White, Black, Northern or Grey & White & Black
Eamon 2016-05-13 M Black & White Pure 10 Normal
Felicity 2016-05-17 F Grey Cross
Damien 2016-04-27 M Brown & White Grey Cross 10 Normal
Edgar 2016-05-22 M Grey Grey & White Cross
Looking For:
A youngish Female, in Black or Northern
Damien 2016-04-27 M Brown & White Grey Cross 10 Normal
Elliot 2016-05-09 M White Pure 10 Excellent
Edgar 2016-05-22 M Grey Grey & White Cross
Gaetan 2016-05-25 M White Pure 10? Excellent?
Gabby 2016-05-25 F White Grey Cross
A bit out of the ordinary; two Northern females for adoption
Fanetta 2016-06-01 F Northern - Pure 10 Excellent 10
Fifi 2016-05-24 F Northern - Pure 10 Excellent 10
Also have males of many kinds if you're looking for something in particular
Adorable, extremely useful, and historically accurate to the Queen's Hamlet. goats are the perfect livestock option for the QH Co-op. Adopt-a-Goat is a way to spread some of the joy & profit they bring.
On occasion, the QH Co-op will be able to provide Co-op Members with goats that have been breed and raised as part of the Hamlet animal husbandry program. The terms of an adoption are as follows:
The number of goats made available will depend on Co-op members. Please post here to indicate interest so that we can start an adoption waiting list.
((The above is the TL;DR version. The intrepid may find the following interesting but it's not imperative for adoption))
One goat consumes:
A goat:
Genetics are where things really get interesting as they account for colour of wool (there are 9 variants), frequency of milk production, quantity of meat production and skin quality.
Our "foundation stock" Queenie & Axel are special in that they are "multi-breeds' meaning that they can pass on all 9 variants for wool to their offspring while the rest of their genetic characteristics are only average, i.e. 5/10.
Queenie & Axel will produce average, "crossbred" kids (maximum of 2 colour variants per kid) and the goal of our breeding program will be to develop a herd of "purebred" goats (only 1 colour variant), with excellent characteristics, in as many colour variants as we can.
It's a fun challenge and since I haven't had much experience with "breedables" I've got a lot of theories & spreadsheets to go on.
With a bit of luck and help from the community I hopefully won't follow this route:
Questions, comments, advice; please post all of those here or give me a shout inworld.
For specific goat pedigrees see the QH Book of Goats.
March 1 ... the start of a brand new community ... I'm starving ... No Energy ... No Money ... No Food in sight ... What will I do?
My First Time Fishing!
My First Time Cooking!
That's Better!
March 5 ... First Harvest ...
... big plans for the first sack of grain but first some pictures!
((so looking forward to a future that includes the Daguerreotype ))