Forum Activity for @tatiana-dokuchic

Tatiana Dokuchic
27 Sep 2015 03:35:59PM
1,919 posts

Store Bela Artes (Fine Arts)

Marketplace Archive ** CLOSED **

Congratulations on the new store, Peter!

I've moved the post over to the Marketplace category.

To continue posting in Marketplace would you please site support the site for 2015. See Royal Courts Ning: 2015 Fundraiser for more information.



Tatiana Dokuchic
24 Sep 2015 01:52:44PM
1,919 posts

Second Life's Beloved Recreation of Mont Saint Michel Soon Leaving SL for "Economical" Reasons

General Discussion

Sad news. Hate to see wonderful regions like this closed due to financial reasons.

Tatiana Dokuchic
02 Nov 2015 11:25:44AM
1,919 posts

Step by Step: Walking the Scottish Highlands

Off Topic

Woohoo!! Made it to Inverness!! Took me 45 days at an average of 4.4 miles/day and I'm very satisfied because I managed to meet my step goal of 10k steps every single day.

Here in Ottawa it's been cloudy & rainy but as I hit the end of the trail the sun came out for a brief moment as if to congratulate me :)

Looking forward to the next adventure as I've chosen the Chemin le Puy which goes through France heading towards Spain.

Hope to see you on the trail!

Tatiana Dokuchic
28 Oct 2015 11:04:23AM
1,919 posts

Step by Step: Walking the Scottish Highlands

Off Topic

Thanks, Candace!! I'm going .... ;)

Tatiana Dokuchic
28 Oct 2015 04:40:12AM
1,919 posts

Step by Step: Walking the Scottish Highlands

Off Topic

Spent the last week walking along the shores of the famous Loch Ness and was treated to some beautiful views but no (credible) sightings of Nessie herself.

After 41 days I'm 90% of the way and looking forward to seeing Inverness. Real Life walking conditions have gotten much cooler (I've worn my parka a few times) but I'm hoping that by the time the snow flies I'll have ingrained the habit of getting out and walking at least three times a day. I'm counting on this to help get me through the long winter months when all I really want to do is stay home curled up in front of a nice warm computer.

Average: 10,706 steps/day = 4.5 miles/day

Tatiana Dokuchic
09 Oct 2015 07:21:22AM
1,919 posts

Step by Step: Walking the Scottish Highlands

Off Topic

Halfway there!!

After 22 days I'm delighted to be at the midpoint of my journey; my greatest accomplishment being consistency (something I'm not noted for in general). I've been slow but at least I've been steady.

Average: 10,970 steps/day = 4.6 miles/day

The wonderful fall weather certainly helped me "get out & get going" so I'm hoping for more of the same in October. Don't mind walking in the rain as long as it's not freezing.

Tatiana Dokuchic
24 Sep 2015 11:11:53AM
1,919 posts

Step by Step: Walking the Scottish Highlands

Off Topic

Beginning Week 2 on the "Bonnie, bonnie, banks of Loch Lomond ". Since I grew up drinking water sourced from its Canadian namesake, I'm delighted to be travelling down the shores of the original.

Perfect walking weather in Ottawa made the first 33.5 miles an absolute pleasure!

Tatiana Dokuchic
21 Sep 2015 01:49:04PM
1,919 posts

Step by Step: Walking the Scottish Highlands

Off Topic

I'll have to agree with you on that one. Perhaps a treadmill while you imagine you're walking the Highlands?

I'm very lucky as I do a lot of my actual walking through the South March Highlands. It's interesting that in comparison with pictures of the Scottish Highlands, so far at least, there's a lot of the similar looking ground cover & terrain. We'll see if that continues as we move higher up.

Tatiana Dokuchic
21 Sep 2015 05:58:18AM
1,919 posts

Step by Step: Walking the Scottish Highlands

Off Topic

Excited to be starting the week at mile 19.3 of the Scottish Highlands Way Trail. I'm now officially on the West Highland Way

Managed to charm, cajole &/or nag friends & family to walk along with me but there's still lots of room for more walkers. You can joinin anytime & go at your own pace.


Trail marker for the West Highland Way.

Tatiana Dokuchic
19 Sep 2015 07:53:58AM
1,919 posts

Step by Step: Walking the Scottish Highlands

Off Topic

There's definitely an extra spring in my step as I set out to walk the Scottish Highlands Way . This virtual journey will take me just over 200 miles, from Glasgow to Inverness, and I'm looking forward to seeing many interesting & beautiful sights along the way. I'm also wondering if I'll be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of Nessy, the Loch Ness monster, as I make my around the shores of her home.

As someone who's already done a virtual Walk to Mordor stranger things have happened!

Now walking in the footsteps of Frodo & Sam was quite a bit of fun, especially at the start, but I found that as I neared Mount Doom my feet started to drag. It turns out that the thought of entering such desolate wasteland wasn't exactly the best motivator to keep me walking. Go figure!

I'm certain I won't be experiencing the same buzzkill on this adventure as the creative force behind Walking 4 Fun has done an amazing job re-creating the virtual trails and making the journey most enjoyable. Encouragement abounds in the maps, pictures. badges & descriptions provided by the site and, as an added bonus, Fitbit fanatics like myself can have their mileage automatically logged.

Instead of worry about logging my steps for the day, I can just keep on daydreaming that I'm Claire Beauchamp from Outlander making my way back to Inverness. Let's face it, Frodo Baggins has nothing on Jamie Fraser in the fantasy department.

The other lesson I learned from my previous virtual walking experience is that it's really a lot more fun sharing the experience with friends so if you're interested please give me a shout.

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updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 11 Oct 2016 04:55:33AM