Forum Activity for @joan-claremont

Joan Claremont
06 Jan 2011 05:30:41PM
363 posts

Social Butterfly Clothing Swap

General Discussion

40,000! O_0 FAINTS! And I thought my inventory was in need of a dire cleaning out lol. You are most welcome. I am putting the limit at 5 items per person. We could always do this again in the fall! ;D
Joan Claremont
04 Jan 2011 09:09:54PM
363 posts

Social Butterfly Clothing Swap

General Discussion

Wow, this certainly has peaked a lot of interest. I just want to add be prepared to have fun! Event date to be posted soon. ;)
Joan Claremont
03 Jan 2011 06:53:32PM
363 posts

Social Butterfly Clothing Swap

General Discussion

It really is about fun and catching up after the holiday. I have already have pulled 18 items! I'm sure if I dig deeper in my trunks I will find more offerings ; )
Joan Claremont
03 Jan 2011 10:21:12AM
363 posts

Social Butterfly Clothing Swap

General Discussion

Bonjour! Speaking with a friend earlier this morning about cleaning out inventory for the New Year we hit upon a fabulous idea ofhaving a clothing swap!

Guidelines for the Swap -

  • Items for swap must be "transfer items only."
  • All items must be boxed.
  • Everyone trading clothes/accessories must bring at LEAST 4 items. But remember bring only transfer items.

How it works:
The mingling, eating and viewing of clothes/accessories ensues and the swap begins on time.

Whenthe swap begins everyone chooses their first item, which is calledFirst Picks. Once everyone chooses their first item, we move ontosecond and third and fourth. Once we get to five, the floor is usuallyopened for a free for all where everyone rushes around grabbing all theitems they want (organized mayhem) till everyone has enough new stuff.

Heresthe fun part! If more than one person wants the same item, both try iton the rest of the party goers decide on who it looks best (mini-fashion week on my patio). That person gets to keep it (everyone is friends so this rarely happens and when it does it is all in fun).

I will be hosting this OOC baroque event at my home in the Duche de Coeur, Aquitaine Coeur Sud. You do not have to swap to attend you can just come and be a passive observer of the chaos lol.

If you would like to participate contact me here on the ning or in-world.Once I have enough participants I will set up the event with Landmark and send a note card of the above information for participants!

Bonne Anne et bonne sant ~ Joandarc Ninetails aka Marie Josephine de Fiennes

updated by @joan-claremont: 06 Oct 2016 06:05:11AM
Joan Claremont
25 Dec 2010 12:54:22PM
363 posts

Merry Christmas Royal Courts!

General Discussion

Wishing you a Merry Christmas! See you soon ; )
Joan Claremont
21 Dec 2010 10:36:55AM
363 posts

[M] New gowns

Marketplace Archive ** CLOSED **

Seeing the world through rose colored glasses? ; ) They are really lovely gowns!

Joan Claremont
18 Dec 2010 03:44:35PM
363 posts

I want FAQ suggestions from YOU! :-)

Communty News & Events

  • I would suggest a note card or ning post about which RP characters roles are available and which have been filled - Including the Royal Family.
  • I would also suggest a single note card dedicated to addressing members of the court - their titles, rank, faction or association in the court and how to address said character in socials circles.Tips for elegant etiquette go a long way in creating a FUN RP environment for everyone! ; )
Joan Claremont
22 Dec 2010 09:11:38AM
363 posts

Chérie Design House Winter Collection II

Marketplace Archive ** CLOSED **

Thank you! Yes, I loved the silver in particular shiny, shiny. ; )

PS: I really love your new gowns. Pink is looking very popular for the New Year! ; )

Joan Claremont
18 Dec 2010 03:22:46PM
363 posts

Chérie Design House Winter Collection II

Marketplace Archive ** CLOSED **

Aww thank you for the sweet comments. I have the flu today but hopefully will feel better for ice skating tomorrow! ; ) xo

Joan Claremont
17 Dec 2010 12:05:49PM
363 posts

Chérie Design House Winter Collection II

Marketplace Archive ** CLOSED **

A big thanks to my models Summer & Maria - Ladies you added 18th Cent. diva glamor to the new boutique!

