Forum Activity for @louis-philipp-de-chiverny

Louis Philipp de Chiverny
01 Dec 2010 05:55:45PM
1 posts

What Rococo item would you love in Second Life?

Marketplace Archive ** CLOSED **

Dearest, dearest uncle, I greatly feel the royal palace of Versailles need more books.
Reason being is, we need more naval officers in the royal french navy. Books on warfare of the period would do great, as well the Romans, Architecture, guns, the art of the sword, and much, MUCH more. People are NOT getting there proper education in this era. The french empire is falling apart. We need to do something about it, otherwise who knows what could happen, say a revolution? Mass exocution by the new execution device called... the guillotine! We need to do something about our wonderful france. Just because we are nobles does NOT mean we should endulge ourselves on cakes, and breads, and pasteries, and sip tea carelessly, and bathe in wine and champegne! Just because the common fellow does not have money does NOT mean they are less inportant and should starve in the streats, they are God's children to, we ALL are! We need to educate ourselves better instead of having picnics every day of summer and balls every week in fall, and skating parties every other week in winter, and spring tea every other day in spring! The children generation is falling into poor, poor condition, and as I being one of those children know what is happening. Us younger generation are the future of France! But I need to calm down. I think I have made my point clear. MORE BOOKS!