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What Rococo item would you love in Second Life?

Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
14 years ago
192 posts
I suppose this is a sneaky bit of market research, but I'm also very curious:

What item would you love to see from our fabulous Second Life Merchants? What item would make your Second Life just that little bit better?

I've had a few discussions with different members of the courts about this, but now wanted to throw the floor open to discussion! Answers on a postcard - or maybe just in the comments section!

For the record, I'm hankering after a pair of watches, or more accurately the decorative fobs - the word fob is apparently derived from the old German fobke or fuppe for pocket, but what was on show was the ribbon, leather string, or sometimes chain, attached to the watch, often adorned with a watch key and seal or other trinkets that are very difficult to make out in paintings and fashion plates. The one below gives a generally idea of how stylish this could look (and I don't think my wardrobe could be complete without two, or maybe two hundred...)


How about you mesdames et messieurs??
updated by @henri-louis-marie-de-rohan: 06 Oct 2016 01:58:51PM
Comtesse du Barry
14 years ago
2 posts
I would personally prefer one of your sedans monsieur, perhaps proper jewelry to suit this era would be nice to, Brooches, Rococo necklaces, earings. I would also prefer more diverse 18th century foods, and perhaps card games. Oh! I know, cute little umbrellas that opens and closes, wit laces and bows, how delightful! Maybe I am asking to much, but then I am the Comtesse du Barry ;)
MarieLouise Harcourt
14 years ago
647 posts
A wig with which I can outshine all courtiers and take over the throne and rule France :-PUhm,No, perhaps I have to think a bit smaller. I'd love..- Low prim rococo furniture.- MORE jewlery!- Hair decoration options packages.- More shoes West, more!
Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
14 years ago
192 posts
Ah, I agree with the jewels! I would love to create (or rather, have someone else create) a locket that can open and close to contain a billet doux or perhaps a lock of a lover's hair.Card games are indeed a must - there are a few, but none feel sufficiently rococo for me!I feel the sedans are an innovation for 1774 (or 2011, in today's timing!)
Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
14 years ago
192 posts
Options are the future ma chrie! Trasgo has shown the way for men's clothes, and I can't help but feel everything should be offered in a myriad of colour options! I am considering offering a fabulous custom service for a few of my shoes, alongside a few new designs (think haut fantaisie!!) due to the launch very very soon...
Joan Claremont
14 years ago
363 posts
More scripted objects: Walking Sticks, Parasols and fans. I would love to see (and would buy) a scripted fan with 1-10 choices of fan language. Flirty, distaste, busy, available, attracted not attracted!! Not sure if this exists already? Other objects of desire: animated snuff boxes, pretty spectacles, late period wigs...something that doesn't move around too much, with lots of curls. A swan boat! Agrees with Comteese du Barry - Oh yes! Card games & gambling yes, yes!!Was that enough? ; )
Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
14 years ago
192 posts
I WANT MORE MEN'S CLOTHES TOO!! I wish I could make them, I must confess.I may be able to help with the pavillion de chien though! Leave it to moi...
Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
14 years ago
192 posts
The scripted fan sounds like a marvellous idea! I have tried to create a snuff-box that satisfies my rococo fantasy, but as yet to no avail.
Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
14 years ago
192 posts
How working is working for the lorgnette? I have some that I can hold in front of my face, but nothing further than that. They are fetching though.
Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
14 years ago
192 posts
Mon dieu, of course one's servants must be good-looking! They are a reflection on one's own taste after all...
MarieLouise Harcourt
14 years ago
647 posts
YUMMY.You better hurry up!*whips*But don't rush it :P
MarieLouise Harcourt
14 years ago
647 posts
NO :-( Not men's clothes. More female clothing, MORE, MOREEE! :P
Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
14 years ago
192 posts
Ah you have read my mind! The next thing I will be offering are a few pieces of sentimental jewellery based on rococo designs (I actually created some special shoes featuring miniatures of Louis XV, but they were for the Versailles auction).I also considered offering a cameo photography service, creating perfect neoclassical portraits in carved gems. Sculptures are for another day methinks!
Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
14 years ago
192 posts
Apparently, walking sticks for men were banned at Versailles, and women would only use them if they were infirm! Those odd little rules of etiquette amaze me.But parasols and fabulous fans are a must - the idea of a fan scripted for different moods is a superb one. Imagine a seductive fan, an agitated fan, a lazy fan, a nervous fan - fabulous!
Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
14 years ago
192 posts
Portrait fans would be fabulous. I'd definitely pay for those!
Comtesse du Barry
14 years ago
2 posts
I had a thought Monsieur le Prince, How about proper Gestures, like gracious smiles, cheerfully laughing, gracefully applauding, Animations that allows women to walk together in the gardens, or a a wife or husband, Elegant waves, and that nature?
LouiseBathilde Sapphire
14 years ago
100 posts
i agree with dubarry, we need more interaction with others and the world around us, curtsies arnt getting it anymore!
Lord Myron de Verne
14 years ago
113 posts
A nice piece of decoration would be an earthglobe, with 18th century period map, rotating inside a richly sculpted rococo woodwork base...Decks of cards would be nice too, they could be illustrated by pictures of the main personalities of our courts, whose faces could be edited upon the traditional bodies of Kings, Queens, Jacks, joker, and why not, on other cards as well...but don't ask me to impersonate the Joker, I don't like his hat:-)I think we also do miss period peasants or city workers outfit, too- but i doubt of the commercial success, nearly everybody here ( including me) wants to be noble and drink Champagne! ( maybe we could use them for alts, once in a while?)
MarieLouise Harcourt
14 years ago
647 posts
Do you also know why walking sticks were banned? I would love to know that. I wonder what the reason behind it is.
Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
14 years ago
192 posts
I think banned may be the wrong term - men had to wear a sword at their hip (they would not be admitted within the palace if they did not), and a walking-stick as well would be cumbersome. I also think walking-sticks were generally only used by the old, thus if you used one you looked as if you were old/crippled. That chaanged in the 19th century when people stopped wearing swords (probably because the sword was seen as a symbol of aristocracy). I will do my research and get back to you if I can find other reasons!What I do love is that men were only allowed to wear military costume on the day of their return to court (after battle, campaign etc) and the day before they left. This was to promote the French silk industry - if noblemen couldn't wear military costume they had to buy a court suit, which had to be made of French silk.
MarieLouise Harcourt
14 years ago
647 posts
Ah, yes, a sword and a walking stick might be a bit unpractical. Stupid men :P They let us walk with tight corstets, way too heavy hair and hudge panniers and they can't even carry around a walking stick!?!?SHAME.SHAME I SAY!
Captain Sir Walter Gedenspire
14 years ago
9 posts
a man's riding suit!there are enough gowns, by Hercules!
Louis Philipp de Chiverny
14 years ago
1 posts
Dearest, dearest uncle, I greatly feel the royal palace of Versailles need more books.
Reason being is, we need more naval officers in the royal french navy. Books on warfare of the period would do great, as well the Romans, Architecture, guns, the art of the sword, and much, MUCH more. People are NOT getting there proper education in this era. The french empire is falling apart. We need to do something about it, otherwise who knows what could happen, say a revolution? Mass exocution by the new execution device called... the guillotine! We need to do something about our wonderful france. Just because we are nobles does NOT mean we should endulge ourselves on cakes, and breads, and pasteries, and sip tea carelessly, and bathe in wine and champegne! Just because the common fellow does not have money does NOT mean they are less inportant and should starve in the streats, they are God's children to, we ALL are! We need to educate ourselves better instead of having picnics every day of summer and balls every week in fall, and skating parties every other week in winter, and spring tea every other day in spring! The children generation is falling into poor, poor condition, and as I being one of those children know what is happening. Us younger generation are the future of France! But I need to calm down. I think I have made my point clear. MORE BOOKS!