What item would you love to see from our fabulous Second Life Merchants? What item would make your Second Life just that little bit better?
I've had a few discussions with different members of the courts about this, but now wanted to throw the floor open to discussion! Answers on a postcard - or maybe just in the comments section!
For the record, I'm hankering after a pair of watches, or more accurately the decorative fobs - the word fob is apparently derived from the old German fobke or fuppe for pocket, but what was on show was the ribbon, leather string, or sometimes chain, attached to the watch, often adorned with a watch key and seal or other trinkets that are very difficult to make out in paintings and fashion plates. The one below gives a generally idea of how stylish this could look (and I don't think my wardrobe could be complete without two, or maybe two hundred...)

How about you mesdames et messieurs??
updated by @henri-louis-marie-de-rohan: 06 Oct 2016 01:58:51PM