Forum Activity for @bedrich-panacek

Bedrich Panacek
26 Jul 2010 11:10:09AM
21 posts

Non-authentic Music

General Discussion

The error that occured was that minutes before the ball, the stream that we usually use in the Duch was playing some very somber music. Our gracious host, Dr. Pekel Panacek, requested that we play music that was more lively, such as viennese waltzes. Upon searching the public listing directory, we found what appeared to be an ideal stream. However, the music soon changed to 20th and 21st century music, and the announcer on the stream commented that "this selection was especially requested by the King and Queen". We realized that the stream was actually the same one that was being presented at the Orange Nassau ball. We reverted back to our default stream as soon as possible (after suffering a Blue Screen of Death!).As to the music that was performed at both balls: The owners of the Duch de Coeur sim highly respect the owners of the Orange Nassau sim. Like us, they spend a great deal of their own income to provide a place for people with similar interests to gather. Their selection of music that spans the ages ranging 250 years into the future is apparently appropriate for their audience. Their sim is one of the longest lasting Enlightenment environments, and their own personal relationship has lasted for years. What they do is obviously working for them, and they have consistently been one of the most admired couples we know.The Duch tends to be more historically accurate with music in some areas, but we too would not hesitate to perform a Strauss waltz. Mendelssohn's incidental music for "A Midsummer Night's Dream" would have been entirely appropriate for our ball, even though it was written more than 50 years in our future. Everyone certainly seemed to enjoy listening to Tchaikovsky's "The Sleeping Beauty", which was written more than 100 years in our future.One comment we heard was that perhaps we should have been listening to the music of J.S. Bach. However, to be accurate, one would likely not have heard the music of Bach in the late 18th century because his music fell rapidly out of favor after his death in 1750. There were some minor revivals by Mozart and others, but it was not until the 19th century that Bach's music once again became loved.The music of our period is considered "classical", as opposed to "baroque" or "romantic". Classical music focused on simplicity. In the late 18th century, the complexity of polyphonic forms of the baroque era had fallen out of favor. The deep passion of the romantic era was still waiting for Beethoven to mature.My personal preference in music ranges from baroque through romantic. Depending on my mood and what I am doing, I prefer to listen to baroque while focusing on my work, romantic when I want to get involved with the music (try sitting still to Beethoven's 7th!), and classical when I want something light. Of course their are exceptions in all genres - the adagio from "Clarinet Concerto in A Major" by Mozart can move you to tears, and Bach's Brandenburg Concert #3 is so energetic that it became one of the 20th century's most popular classical hits, and it was performed on a synthesizer!While I agree with the premise that the sims allow us to particate in an immersion of time travel, we are also attempting to reach out to a broader audience and to promote friendships among those with similar tastes. Our desire is to attract and retain those that are much like us. It is not necessarily to reproduce a world that was, to be honest, far more unpleasant than our current world. The duch deliberately avoids some accurate RP as is practiced by certain other sims because we find it unpleasant. We expand our choices of music to cover all of classical music because we enjoy much more than a narrow range of genres.To the point about the cost of providing specific music: Many visitors seem to not understand that the cost of running these sims is very high, and it is the residents, merchants, and owners that allow everyone to enjoy these virtual environments. The monthly cost to the Lindens for the Duch de Coeur is over 720,000L. The upfront cost for the duchy sim was nearly 2.5 MILLION Lindens! None of the sims charge for attendance to musical events, yet all events cost each of us thousands of lindens to produce. We are very fortunate that we have exceptionally generous benefactors and very talented residents. Many performers and DJs require a relatively high fee. Occasionally, the owners have to provide streaming services which can be relatively expensive, and we have to cover costs that extend what our sponsors have donated.If someone wants to create a perfectly accurate RP environment, we invite you to make the investment, pay the Lindens up front and each month, make arrangements with the performer and be sure to cover their cost for their streaming server or make one available for them. Though you should be sure that your sim has dead air time throughout most of your guest's visits, because you would rarely hear any music at all in our time period. Be sure to treat your guests poorly unless they are of noble birth. Be sure to spit and throw things on them from the theater balconies. Be sure to ignore them when they pass by or punish them for not lowering their eyes when you pass. And pray that they return.Thank you, but no thank you. I personally prefer the inaccuracies of the Duch de Coeur and Orange Nassau sims and our 20th century moral values (which apparently aren't the same as 21st century moral values, judging by the behavior of some younger people).We should advise everyone that the Duch de Coeur Art and Music Festival is 80% OOC. You can expect jazz and funk performances on synthesizer and visual art that is clearly modern. We will hear some classical music that has current interpretations and rock/pop music that has a fun 'cinnamony' taste.Absolutely non-authentic music!
Bedrich Panacek
27 Jun 2010 10:27:37AM
21 posts

Panorama of Paris by the end of 18th Century

General Discussion

Hopefully, the readers of this book will present their findings when Arthur Young returns to Paris in the autumn! He will stay there for a few weeks, so hopefully we will have many contributors. We will also talk to the music academy director about arranging to have some of the performances that Arthur will see when he is in Paris.
Bedrich Panacek
08 May 2010 05:59:35AM
21 posts

Travels in France - 1787

General Discussion

Our return trip to Versailles in the autumn takes us to the Petit Trianon and the Queen's Hamlet! Incidentally, we will be passing Chateauroux, where the Chateau de Bouges was built in 1765 (though some references say it was started in 1763 and completed in 1770, supposedly modeled after the Petit Trianon. However, the Petit Trianon was started in 1762, but not completed until 1768).
Bedrich Panacek
07 May 2010 10:35:03AM
21 posts

Travels in France - 1787

General Discussion

Members of the Acadmie Franaise are invited to join us on a 6 month journey through France beginning 23 May. Following the journal written by English author and agronimist Arthur Young, we will each week review the progress of the Monsieur Young as he begins his journey in Calais on the 15th of May. We will stop by Versailles on Whitsunday and witness and participate in the celebration (courtesy of the Royal Court of France). Our journey will continue all the way south to Languedoc, then up through Aquitaine, Poitou, Touraine, and back to Versailles in the autumn before finally returning north to head home to England in early November.

In describing our journey, we will use 18th century maps and follow the route, showing various landmarks along the way, and discussing the things we see, including the impact to the economy of the late 18th century. The maps we will use were actually created by the Acadmie Royale des Sciences. Various areas of concern such as enclosures, crops, cultivation techniques, roads, architecture, poverty, attitudes, etc. will be discussed. We will also hear musical works involving the Acadmie Royale de Musique with live performances.

We are interested in your involvement in this project! If you have a particular interest concerning something along our course, we invite you to create a presentation to share with the members of the party. If you live along the route or will be visiting, we invite you to create detailed pictures that we can use to allow people to visualize our journey.You may want to discuss the history up to 1787 to set the context.

Highlights of each week will be on display in Chateau Languedoc for review by anyone that misses that particular week. We may alsoskip some weeks during the journey unless we have a lot of material to present. The reason for this is that Arthur Young stayed at some locations longer than a week, and was also briefly out of the country (in Spain during mid-July).

Please join the Acadmie Franaise if you are interested in following the journey. There will be more detail presented there than via Les Amis du Coeur. Acadmie Royale des Sciences will have more detailed information directly related to the science presented. Acadmie Royale de Musique has regular updates concerning musical performances. Please contact Duc Bedrich Panacek if you are interested in presenting material during the journey.

The first presentation will be on the 29th of May.

updated by @bedrich-panacek: 06 Oct 2016 06:03:19AM
Bedrich Panacek
11 Apr 2010 11:11:45AM
21 posts

The Great Balloon Adventure 1783 - A film by Celestial Elf

General Discussion

The Montgolfier Brothers were the inventors of the hot air balloon that was the first manned ascent into the sky. Celestial Elf has captured the inspiration of this flight with his latest video, shot on location in the Duch de Coeur, and starring Freesky Republic and our very own Trasgo Beaumont.

A special thanks to all of those early Saturday morning risers, and those that stayed up VERY late Friday night!A special smile to Frangi, who is featured swooning. Fortunately, she was awoken from her shock byDr. Pekel, who was standing close by. (Is this a coincidence or is he often standing by when beautiful women faint?)

Celestial Elf will be shooting other videos in the duchy and at other locations throughout Age of Enlightenment lands. Please be sure to watch for casting calls.

updated by @bedrich-panacek: 06 Oct 2016 06:03:14AM
Bedrich Panacek
12 Mar 2010 09:00:50AM
21 posts

Early to Bed and Early to Rise...

General Discussion

This is certainly true, Contessa. Imagine having to arrange to meet a carriage at a specific time, and having to schedule your children's lessons around Huygen's clock. It seems that our lives are becoming more controlled by the swing of a pendulum than the rising and setting sun, the songs of the birds, or the feelings of romance.
Bedrich Panacek
12 Mar 2010 05:11:58AM
21 posts

Early to Bed and Early to Rise...

General Discussion

Oh, most certainly! This idea of changing time is confusing for everyone. I can't see it catching on. ;) I suppose it really isn't that important between France and the states in America since it takes weeks to get there. :)
Bedrich Panacek
11 Mar 2010 03:35:03AM
21 posts

Early to Bed and Early to Rise...

General Discussion

As envoy to France from America, Benjamin Franklin noted in an "anonymous" letter published in 1784,that we French could save our candles by getting up a little earlier and going to bed earlier, thereby making the best use of the availabledaylight.

It seems that the time has come when this weekend, the clocks in our SL will be shifting forward 1 hour. For those of us in Europe, this means that instead of being 9 hours ahead of SLT, we will only be 8 hours ahead for the next 2 weeks (Europe clocks change on the 28th of March).

Take special care to watch the time for the events scheduledon Sunday this weekend, and all of next weekend and the following Saturday. Usually,events that begin at 12 noon SLT occur at 9 pm (21:00) for continentalEurope. However, for the next 2 weeks,12noon SLTevents actually begin at 8 pm (20:00).

This is an especially wonderful time to cherish spring after experienced one of the harshest winters we have seen. Be sure to join in the special events planned this weekend and for the coming week as we celebrate going Green!

updated by @bedrich-panacek: 06 Oct 2016 06:03:12AM
Bedrich Panacek
09 Mar 2010 03:40:54AM
21 posts

Early U.S. sim

General Discussion

There was so much potential as Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and others are some of the most popular people in France right now. Their dream of a new kind of government based on French enlightened ideas is inspiring to many of the peasant and bourgeois people in the duchy. Perhaps they have forgotten that it was France that provided the resources for them to gain their independence from England, placing our people even deeper into poverty. They have many ties to England and the continent. It is unfortunate for them to seek to be isolationists.Many of us see that fledgling nation as an experiment that could change the entire makeup of Europe. Imagine a country where the royalty serves the people rather than the people giving up everything they have to support a mere 1% of the population. Is it possible that Charles-Louis de Secondat, baron de La Brde et de Montesquieu's idea of separation of powers could actually work? The people of his home region of Aquitaine would be proud to eventually benefit from such enlightened concepts!
Bedrich Panacek
12 Feb 2010 02:07:36PM
21 posts

Men's 18th century clothing

Marketplace Archive ** CLOSED **

Greetings, mademoiselle Glendevon! There are a number of excellent tailors in the Duch de Coeur. I suggest that your friend call a carriage in the duchy, then select Boutiques -> MensWear. The horse will offer a selection of places to go. Enjoy!Duc Bedrich Panacek