Ordem da Rosa: velvet françaises for winter!
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Thank you girls :D
Hello everyone!I just updated my store,and these are the new gown,velvet franaises for the winter!
Hope you like it <3
Thank you so much girls <33
Hello courtiers!My new collection of gowns is inspired by Toile de Jouy:
Toile de Jouyis a type of decorating pattern consisting of a usually white or off-white background on which a repeated pattern depicting a fairly complex scene, generally of a pastoral theme.It was originally produced in Ireland in the mid-18th Century and quickly became popular in Britain and France. In upper-class (primarily American, but also northern European) society, toile is often seen on dresses or aprons used at such events as country-themed garden parties or tea parties.
I hope you enjoy the dresses!
That's it for now,kisses <3
all of them are very lovely,but... I could not find the pretty lady in pink,when its going to be avaiable?? :p
Beautiful as always cherie!the one with blue details is my fav <3
Oh so pretty!Scalloped lace,both black and white are my favorites,I will surely buy the white one!
Can those be used for other things,not only for mass?Its so beautiful!
Thank you for all the comments girls <3
These are the new releases from Ordem da Rosa!I hope you all like it!
*Tapestry Print Franaise
Inspired by the tapestry print RL fashion,that I like.
*La Vicomtesse Franaise
Based on a RL gown.
*FREE Anglaise
A gift of Ordem da Rosa for you
That's all for now,enjoy it!
Kisses <3
aww to cute!I will buy Yolande as soon as possible!