Haunted house in antiquity
Social Announcements & Introductions
YAY! Whoohoo ( ;
Looks like FRIGHTFULLY delicious fun! LOL. How do we find it, little LIzzie? ( :
Beautifully written and portrayed, Phantom. A wonderful way to honor the memory of a place that touched the hearts and spirits of so many who grew to love it. I'm sorry for your loss .... all of you.
What a thoughtful and comforting message you have written here, Aldo. For all of us ... who have loved and lost in SL... people, places, things. This is a beautiful condolence to those of us who are brave enough to invest a chunk of their heart and soul in something, someone who may be transient in our physical/virtual space but will live eternally in our hearts and memories.
A highly popular event well reported, Candace. Excellent tribute to Ephe's fine exhibition. ( ;
Tat, perhaps a more practical and fair way of handling costs here might be to incorporate a small user fee for each time a registered member wishes to post something. That way the burden of cost would be more equally shared by those who most frequently use this site for their activities and promotions. In the long run It might eventually eliminate the need for annual fundraising which I'm sure can't be all that much fun for the administrator. A thought to consider?
Dear Tat, Sending you my sincere gratitude for this site and everything you do to keep it running. I happily wear my heart on my sleeve to show my support for all your hard work. ( ;
Summer gives her sweetly reassuring friend a squeeze and an affectionate kiss on the cheek.
Dear Stormy,
My commentary was not directed toward you personally so a defensive position is really unnecessary. NING and the issue of its continued healthy existence is far more important than any one personality or group for that matter. Its an endeavor providing an outlet for creativity and personal expression that we all enjoy. Therefore it behooves each and every one of us to do whatever we can to make things as easy and troublefree as possible for its hardworking administrator. Tat has made clear what steps we can take to do that. Its my hope we will all pull our weight together for the continued benefit of everyone who uses this site for whatever reason.