What historical rp would strike your interest ?
General Discussion
Yes, I guess it would be a change being a tax payer. :DD
Yes, I guess it would be a change being a tax payer. :DD
Thanks Jacon. I find my own role in Antiquity feelsvery much tied to the development of the sim rather than a scripted story and Ifind formal role play events extremely stressful so this is how I best engage. Being a material girl is always going to involve clothes and architecture as my way in as well regardless of the time period.So for me Antiquity has been a great facilitator of learningand growingin confidence really.Thereis a remarkable sense ofownership here tooand shared responsibility to make it a home.
yes, you can just jump around all day in ML's dresses and then go out feeling cool. They're robust and fun as she is. Love you ML.
Astute et politician, an oxymoron. Where were we?
When were breastssexualised in western representation? I don't think this is the intention here. Makes me want to make nipple wall paper though.