Forum Activity for @jane-ixtar
Mercury, sorry I wrote the last commentquickly but to clarify - as I understand the point of recreating actual events or timesas you have done with the paintingand so on, I suggestedfiction as I thought it may be easier and still interesting if the plot had been penned so we had to dicover the murderer. I see the date of the story you were concerend with was 1779 so it is not modern as I misread initially.I love this idea, rather like being inside a Sherlock Holmes story.
MB antiques - The Village ( Official Opening)
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It's like, ok the pieces are here, I have them. But there are some moments of that Serenya placing that knock me out. Bring on the new storeCherie *hugs*
MB antiques - The Village ( Official Opening)
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OMG I can have the best coffee here I hope, Serenya, ?? Rock on Serenya!
Assassin’s Creed: Unity To Be Set In 18th century Paris
General Discussion
I'm feeling your anguish Sophie :DD Imagine it in 3D.
Assassin’s Creed: Unity To Be Set In 18th century Paris
General Discussion
The setting will be most cool to go into, with our experience here in SL in the historical settings we have created. If it's point and shoot and even a bitof grinding, it will be lost on me though andI find I'm always really happy to come and take a breather in Sl where I don't feel like I'm a puppet in someone else's loop.It looks like the charactersare taking the other position here politically tothe status many of have in our historical roles in SL. I'll check it out for sure.
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At the moment a bit hard to come across in Antiquity but they are in the domed Capitol building in Texas but it's worth the walk, they are really good pieces. The Emporium repesents what Antiquity is about and that is good karma, goodwill and hard work. I wish the builders the very best. Congrats Cathryn.
The Masks of the Carnival of Venice: The Bauta
Yes Candice, the glass, I guess Venetian glass so yeah. You would need to be careful wouldn't you? I recently visited my neighbour to see immediately that she had a Venetian mask in her cabinet, sent from her sister in Rome,and it was like a beacon, beaming down through the ages peering excitedly through the glass pains of the cabinetas it rested in between lace and family memories. Incredibly charismatic, if a mask can be.. I opened the cabinet and and took it my hands .. it was heavier than i expected and then I placed it on. It was pretty special.
The Masks of the Carnival of Venice: The Bauta
Lady Leena et Monsieur Gandt,A beautiful project and discussion. The richness and detail of the masksis reflected in the detail here as you've presented thiswonderful subject. Just delectable detail and expression. Makes me want to dive in. Awesome, I love your posts.