Thyank you Lady Leena, we have nothing like it in the great southern land (Australia) but I know it is terribly important and a lovely celebration. We also have hot wet summers and Christmases so by the time the snow is thawing in SL and RL for people I'm kinda readyto chill )but I am always so envious when it comes to a white Christmas.
Just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone here on the Ning!
Even if you don't celebrate it
Cheers all and Peace
Thyank you Lady Leena, we have nothing like it in the great southern land (Australia) but I know it is terribly important and a lovely celebration. We also have hot wet summers and Christmases so by the time the snow is thawing in SL and RL for people I'm kinda readyto chill
)but I am always so envious when it comes to a white Christmas.
Aww wonderful!
Thank you everyone :D