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After the DECADES festival and ball...what comes next to generate ongoing financial support of Royal Courts and Historical Communities?

Lorsagne de Sade
10 years ago
313 posts

i sent Tat a note earlier today that she suggested I post here. . . So, here it is. I would love to have input, ideas, suggestions and discussion about the notion of curated exhibits that exist to generate funds to help pay for this website and increase its reach throughout the virtual world of people interested in supporting historical communities.



As you probably know, Steph (Freda Frostbite) and I are splitting the cost of the sim for the DECADE festival and have been working together with many folks to get it built out, exhibits created and events planned, etc., etc.

When the event is over, there remains an ongoing need to raise funds (and awareness) for Royal Courts and to promote RP within SL and other grids in hopes that more great sims and RP efforts dont go the way of the Dodo bird and poof.

One way I can help with this is to fund DECADES galleries in different RP and educational/historical sims where my alts and I hang out. The galleries would sell one-of-a-kind (or VERY limited edition) decorative itemfurniture, paintings, artifacts, etc.created by builders who get it right in terms of historical fidelity and careful construction. Monies from the sales would be either 100% donated to Royal Courts site or a 50/50 split between Royal Courts and the objects creators. The gallery/shops would not take a cut; thats my gift to help create awareness and additional markets for RP efforts.

I have two suitable locations at the moment and will include several of the things I have made for the DECADES exhibit . Building isnt my forte, but I create good period and eclectic room settings and make decent paintings, rugs and some modest mesh furniture pieces that are period specific and contain detailed information about the era and why the piece is representative, etc., etc. For fun I put some on Marketplace and they actually sellwho would have thought!

But for the DECADES galleries, anything I offer under the AMDG brand (the Jesuit motto that drives all the orders work in this world) will be one-of-a-kind and proceeds go to support Royal Courts/historical sims. I am far more interested in showcasing beautiful objects created by others who share my passion for original and high quality recreations of historical objects.

In other words, I am not a merchant. In VR, I write and tell stories, I decorate rooms, my alt Trolley performs literature live and in-voice and Lorsagne does a small amount of 18th century RP at Rocca Sorrentina. The RL typist has a great interest in seeing immersive historical projects continue and grow in places like SL, so a small chain of DECADES galleries with changing and curated collections might be helpful.

I will post this on RC later today; I wanted to let you know what I am thinking of and get your input and feedback before I go public. Steph and I have chatted about it and I have a small number of builders who have indicated they would like to offer/donate pieces of their own creation that fit the requirement of a) historical accuracy, b) original creation, c) structural integrity (decently built!).


Lorsange's typist

updated by @lorsagne-de-sade: 06 Oct 2016 06:35:18AM
Lorsagne de Sade
10 years ago
313 posts

Here is the basic "sign" for the gallery(ies). The sunflower is the motif for signage, teleport pads and etc. for the DECADES Festival, so I have used it as the basis for a simple sign/LOGO. It could use some work by a professional graphics person (hint, hint, hint). What do you all think?


10 years ago
280 posts

I came up with three designs, I wasn't sure about the dimensions so I just followed yours. I hope you like them!




Ekaterina Vorontsova-Dashkova
10 years ago
300 posts

Waah, KAWAIIIIII!!!!!~~~~~~~~~

I think I like the first one the best. Kudos!

Lorsagne de Sade
10 years ago
313 posts

WOW!!!!! They are all glorious! #1 and #3 get my vote! Thank you!

10 years ago
280 posts

You're welcome, and thanks! The first and third are my favorites too :)

10 years ago
280 posts

Thanks <3

Stephanie Mesler
10 years ago
93 posts

Wow! Gorgeous! Very nicely done. I am a HUGE fan of the bottom one. LOVE yellow flowers.

10 years ago
280 posts

Thank you :)