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First pictures from "Farewell my Queen"+ Updated

Sophia Trefusis
14 years ago
471 posts

Im not sure if people are aware there is a new 18th century period film coming up.... :)

And its got Marie Antoinette and the revolution in it.

Pictures "Farewell my Queen"

More pictures of the costumes

Behind the scenes clip

Even more pics and a commentary of the costuming.

Diane Kruger plays Marie Antoinette...but she is not the main character.

"A look at the relationship between Marie Antoinette and one of her readers during the final days of the French Revolution."

One of the actor choices seem a little bit strange,Madame Campan looks at least20 years older than Marie Antoinette (Kruger) while in real life she was only 3 years older tops.

Some of the outfits seems a little bit off too...but maybe Im just to influenced by the idea how the 1780s-90s are supposed to look. Well stripes were popular I admit.

I still want to see the film though...

updated by @sophia-trefusis: 23 Oct 2016 12:23:14AM
Renonys d'Aquitaine
14 years ago
46 posts

ooo I hadn't heard about this one.

I'd like to check out some 18th century films, though to compare and contrast :)

Sophia Trefusis
14 years ago
471 posts

Hmm the only one other (that I can think of at the top of my head) 18th century period film I could say is pretty dark is "Brotherhood of Wolf"

Though not set in revolutionary times it has a pretty bleak setting. I think I also read a quote where it was suggested the "beast" was supposed to symbolize the coming revolution.

Ive not seen Danton is it good?

Tatiana Dokuchic
14 years ago
1,919 posts
Very interesting. Thanks for sharing!!

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
MarieLouise Harcourt
14 years ago
647 posts





Joan Claremont
14 years ago
363 posts
Ohh I was reading about this! Some of the costumes look horrible. Maybe they will show better in the film.
Sophia Trefusis
14 years ago
471 posts

Yep he sure was beastly... :0

...and ironically enough in that movie hes married toan actress whos a "beauty" *hint* *hint* (Married in RL not in the movie)

I belive you might have been right about him representing the "ancien regime"- the quote I was thinking about was actually about the historical occurence,not the film. Touche Monsieur Gandt :)

"La Bte du Gvaudan was a real wolf-like monster prowling the Auvergne and South Dordogne areas of France during the years 1764 to 1767, killing about 100 people, often in bizarre circumstances. Every effort to stopit failed andit became nationally infamous. The King - Louis XV - took a personal interest, one reason being the unrest it caused in an area of religious/political tension and potential revolution."

I think I understand your comment about Danton being"good" One person might love it another one might not.

One of my favorite 18th century films is about the marriage of swedish King Gustav III. But im not sure people not familiar with the backstory and a good grasp of swedish would "get it" At least I think its "good" ;)

Sophia Trefusis
14 years ago
471 posts

Im holding out for the acting being good :/ Heres hoping!I like Madame Campans outfit though. (Sans the orange lace)

I recognize the actress playing Polignac. Last time I saw her in a role she played a mentally unstable woman in a psychological horror movie. I cant shake the image >_/p>

Sophia Trefusis
14 years ago
471 posts
Lets make a list!
Sophia Trefusis
14 years ago
471 posts

Youre welcome :)

Yes most can be easy to find...Though Im still waiting to find the 2010 film "Mozarts sister" :/

Joan Claremont
14 years ago
363 posts

"Rose Byrne was ******* flawless as Duchesse de Polignac in Marie Antoinette."

Lol some of the replies in that thread are funny.