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El Palacio Real de Madrid / The Royal Palace of Madrid.

Carlos III de Borbon y Farnesio
14 years ago
13 posts

Tengo el Gran Honor y Placer de Anunciaros, que por conmemorarse el dia de maana la Fiesta Nacional de Espaa del Da de la Hispanidad, el Staff de la Corte Real de Espaa en Second Life , ha decidido recrear el Palacio Real de Madrid en tiempos de Carlos III.

Contamos con el apoyo de varios de los mejores arquitectos de SL, un Historiador Espaol reconocido y asesores en el estilo Barroco Clasicista; estamos plenamente seguros que este sera un proyecto de gran magnitud y queremos agradecer a todas las Cortes que nos han apoyado y reconocido.

I have the great honor and pleasure to announce that to commemorate the day of tomorrow's National Day of Spain 's Columbus Day , the Staff of the Royal Court of Spain in Second Life , has decided to recreate the Royal Palace in times of Carlos III.

We have the support of several of the best architects in SL, a Spanish historian and consultants recognized the classical Baroque style , we are fully confident that this will be a large project and want to thank all the Royals Courts that have supported and recognized to US .

Palacio Real de Madrid y sus planos Originales / Royal Palace and the original plans:
1392_discussions.jpg?width=750 1393_discussions.jpg 1394_discussions.jpg Vista Actual/ actual view:
1395_discussions.jpg?width=750 en SL / on SL:
1396_discussions.png?width=750 1397_discussions.png?width=750 Seguiremos Informando todo lo relativo a este maravilloso proyecto que ocupara tres Full Sims y que solo pretende dar orgullo a Espaa en Second Life.
Que Viva Espaa ! Gracias a todos Vosotros, YO el REY de Espaa Carlos III de Borbon y Farnesio.
We will continue making a report about of this wonderful project which covers three Full Sims and only intended to give pride of Spain in Second Life.
Viva Spain! Thank you all, Me the King of Spain Charles III of Bourbon and Farnese.

updated by @carlos-iii-de-borbon-y-farnesio: 11 Oct 2016 04:56:57AM
Tatiana Dokuchic
14 years ago
1,919 posts

A grand undertaking indeed! I look forward to seeing it progress.

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Francesco Sabatini
14 years ago
2 posts

It is a wonderful project, will no doubt be seeing this beautiful majestic palace in second life.

I am so happy to be the architect of this wonderful work.

Catalina Méndez de Haro y Guzmán
14 years ago
15 posts
I'm really excited about this project, undoubtely one of the most valuable jewels of Spanish and world cultural heritage, brought to SL! Congratulations to Il signore Sabatini, and of course, to our most beloved king for supporting that. Viva Espaa!
Aimee Wheatcliffe
14 years ago
51 posts
Increble! Magnfico! Un palacio como este requerir sin duda mucho esfuerzo, pero seguro valdr la pena.
María del Pilar Ana de Silva-Baz
14 years ago
9 posts
BRAVO! BRAVISIMO! I want to join the congratulations that the friends ofSpain are giving to our august King, Carlos IIIdi Borbone Farnesio and to put once again to the service of my king.
Elisabetta Farnese e Neuburg
14 years ago
14 posts

Quiero unirme a las felicitaciones que todos los amigos de la corte espaola estan dando al proyecto de la recreacion del palacio Real de Madrid, y recordad que todos los cortesanos y habitantes de las demas cortes europeas pueden disfrutar de el y por supuesto para invitarles a compartir este proyecto que sin duda llenara de orgullo y satisfaccion a todo Espaa.

De nuevo mis mas sinceras felicitaciones al proyecto de mi hijo, el rey Carlos III de Borbon y Farnesio y a sus arquitectos entre los que se encuentra el Maestro Sabatini.


I want to join the congratulations that all the friends of the Spanish court are giving to the project of the recreation of the royal palace of Madrid, and remember that all the courtiers and habitants of other European courts can enjoy of and certainly to invite them to share this project that undoubtedly was filling with pride and satisfaction quite Spain.

Again my sincere mas congratulations to the project of my son, the king Carlos III of Borbon and Farnesio and to his architects between whom there is Il Signore Sabatini.

Yo, La Reina Madre, Isabel de Farnesio y Baviera-Neoburgo

Pierre Ceriano
14 years ago
23 posts

Muy bonito logro ! Felicitaciones ! En que simulator el Palacio se puede ver ?