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History of the Corset, that Necessary Undergarment?

Lady Leena Fandango
13 years ago
358 posts

1563_discussions.jpg?width=221 History of the Corset, that Necessary Undergarment?

I often wonder about the corset or 'stays' that women of past eras have worn. It seems likeit must have been a necessary fashion attachment but the comfort factor must have been negligible. Hope you enjoy the link I found :-)

A Short History of the Corset Content, layout and images of this page and any sub-page of the domains,,, and are copyright (c) 1997-2011 by A. Bender. All rights reserved.

Thanks for reading everyone and enjoy,

Leena :)

updated by @lady-leena-fandango: 06 Oct 2016 06:11:24AM
Lady Bluebird of Orkney
13 years ago
81 posts

Very interesting! I must say that I am glad I inhabit the 18th century only in SL, where well-made gowns fit beautifully - without affecting the ability to breathe.

Tiamat Windstorm von Hirvi
13 years ago
359 posts

I find that even for SL, I prefer the fashions of the Empire/Regency period, when waistlines rose and corsets became a mere stiffening. The hourglass shape of other ages may have been beguiling, but the freer styling of 1810 was far more condusive to effective defence of one's own honour!

Of course, the sheer complications of getting past the daytime garments of a lady of an 18th century court may have had similar effectiveness against the fumble-fingered, at least.

Antiquity Hedgewitch