Lorsagne de Sade
VW: Second Life

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Arriving in Rocca Sorrentina, Lorsagne writes to Fanny Burney, reporting on Mrs. Piozzi's recovery and her "great good friend" Lucien's criticism of her extravagance

user image 2015-05-05
By: Lorsagne de Sade
Posted in:

April of 1785

Rocca Sorrentina

Dearest Fanny,

I write you in haste having only arrived in Rocca Sorrentina the previous day. As you can imagine, I find myself as yet unsettled. Oh, that I could make the journey from The Haven to this lovely island as does a bird, with wings instead of bouncing over waters that invariably roil up to torment my constitution or find my spine jarred by the ruts and rocks as I ride trapped inside a coach that invariably loses at least one wheel in the journey.

Yet, as always, the islands beauty and the company of its residents compensate for these inconveniences.

Since my arrival, I have seen your friend Mrs. Piozzi briefly. She is pale, yet I note that she projects serenity even in her time of loss. I judge her to be a woman great inner strength and look forward to developing cordial relations both with the lady and her husband. I have yet to meet the noted singer, but from the expression on Mrs. Ps face when she speaks of him, he is most obviously the master of her heart, the source of her comfort, and the companion of her intellect.

Capitaine Lucien de Robion-Castellane would do well to emulate the gentleman. I must confide in you that I find myself quite put out with Lucien. He has just arrived on the island on leave from his responsibilities to the Marquis de Lafayette. After the briefest of greetings after a long absence he has commenced to tell me that the costs of furnishings that I have purchased or commissioned for the apartments he and godfather are to share in Rocca Sorrentina are intemperate! Excessive! Immodest!


I assure you I have purchased only the barest of essentials and have exercised admirable frugality. I cannot be faulted. No, and I have not put my hand into the Captains purse for even the smallest of domestic expenses.

Men! They want us to make them homes of beauty, taste, comfort and a certain degree of luxury without expense. They want us to maintain our faces, our figures, and our wardrobes to the standards of the latest court fashions. And they expect us to do it all on a paupers purse. I would ask godfather to intercede, yet my intuition tells me I will not have an ally in the Jesuit in this matter.

That godfather and Lucien will be sharing quarters is both a delight and a something of a worry to me. I can manage each of them to my advantage when they are separated by time and distance. I suspect they will join forces in an attempt to reign in their charge once they are living under the same roof.

You are wise to avoid romantic entanglements, dear Fanny. A papa that holds you tightly is enough of a restriction to your freedom!

Until I can return to enjoy the pleasures your company and my duties at my beloved Haven,


Lorsagne de Sade
06 May 2015 06:01:19PM @lorsagne-de-sade:

Egads...Lorsagne referred to Gabriel Piozzi as "mistress of her heart." Gabriel Piozzi was most definitely a man and therefor the master of her heart. Apologies!

But Lucien receives no apology! Lorsagne will continue to fume at his rebuke of her spending habits for at least the next 10 SL minutes. Beyond that, well, one never knows does one? The uniform of the Huzar officer has such appeal. . .

Tatiana Dokuchic
07 May 2015 05:07:14AM @tatiana-dokuchic:

"Lorsagne will continue to fume at his rebuke of her spending habits"

Read this first thing in the morning (pre-coffee) and though it was:

"Lorsagne will continue to fume at his rebake of her spending habits"

Thought you were having rezzing issues! Too funny :)

Thanks for this enjoyable peek into Lorsagne's life. Looking forward to more!

Lady Leena Fandango
11 May 2015 12:27:36PM @lady-leena-fandango:

I do hope they open their purse strings more for you as I've not heard one mention of shoes, one needs shoes after all. :P

All kidding aside, a wonderful story, truly enjoyable! :)

Lorsagne de Sade
11 May 2015 12:44:53PM @lorsagne-de-sade:

Lorsagne is not likely to ever be barefoot and pregnant! She will have her shoes or there will be the dickens to pay. She has been madly decorating and will soon have some photos.