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[M] Brand renaming + 2 new gowns

MarieLouise Harcourt
15 years ago
647 posts

Hello humans & Stormy,

First I'd like to tell you that I am renaming my brand from Bertin's Boutique [BB] to simply Madame [M]. By this renaming all my old gowns besides 'The Rochefort gown'' will be no longer avaible. As I have developed a new style and techniques.

Click here to buy the Laville gown (first picture)

Click here to buy theStormygown (second picture)

Now.. my two new gowns (pictures below):

updated by @marielouise-harcourt: 06 Oct 2016 01:58:51PM
Joan Claremont
15 years ago
363 posts
Beautiful new gowns. I love all the creativity happening in our's awesome! ; )
MariaAntonia Barenhaut
15 years ago
125 posts
Yay! Rochefort stays, because it's that fab :P
MarieLouise Harcourt
15 years ago
647 posts
Thanks for all the sweet comments :-)
Madame Desireme Fallen
15 years ago
110 posts
What's a girl to many beautiful gowns to buy! I adore the stormy gown!!!