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TTR-Claire's Cottage Furniture Sets

Tatiana Dokuchic
5 years ago
1,919 posts

TTRCC Fireside MP 01.png

Claire's Cottage is a lovely little side-project that I've been working on for ages. Creating just the right mixture of vintage & contemporary furniture & accessories has not only kept me busy but has provided a different perspective from the antiques that I usually slave over.

I'm not sure when the building itself is going to be ready, but I'm pleased to be packaging up some of the associated furniture sets including the Fireside Furniture Set and the Complete Bathroom Set.

TTRCC Bathroom MP 01.png

You can see them Inworld  or on the SLM: Fireside , Bathroom .



Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site