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Westboutin ~ New 'Portrait Miniature' shoes AND jewellery!

Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
13 years ago
192 posts

I have created

a couple of new items and wished to share them with you all!

Many of you have seen me wearing my miniature of the Duchesse de Rochefort - and indeed, so many people have enquired about said bijou that I decided to offer it for sale!5719244819_a9e67440ae.jpg 5719244813_9aaa03b8b3.jpg

The miniature comes in two versions, with pink or blue ribbon. It's available on Marketplace at the moment, and in my store at Picasso - but will be elsewhere as soon as I get my act together!

In addition, I have created a new pair of shoes based on the same idea - well, a pair or pairs, namely shoes featuring miniature portraits, for men and women!
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Miniatures - usually painted on ivory - were immensely popular in the eighteenth century, used as jewellery and even as buttons on clothing. That is where the inspiration came from for these items.

They are all mod - enabling you to change the portrait in the items, but also to resize the shoes! In response to customer feedback, I am adding re-size scripts to all my existing models and re-issuing them. These styles, however, cannot take the scripts as these make the models no-mod.

The XVIII Siecle shoes are only available on SL marketplace for the moment, but again will be in my stores very soon alongside some new creations I am working on for S/S 1772!

Here is a link to my Marketplace store ~

updated by @henri-louis-marie-de-rohan: 25 Oct 2016 05:33:08PM
Sir Thomas Cave
13 years ago
149 posts
Looks Good yourHighness!
Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
13 years ago
192 posts
As does your new venture Monsieur le Conte! Terribly exciting times!
Madame Adélaïde Duchêne
13 years ago
14 posts
That is looking very good, his Most Christian Majesty has yet got the last ones !
Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
13 years ago
192 posts
Hmmm... I myself do not mind, but I'd perhaps keep it quiet around the Duchesse. She is terribly proud of her visage. And quite the dirty fighter...
Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
13 years ago
192 posts
Ah indeed, his Majesty does have those - or some terribly similar featuring his own fair portrait! An endorsement if ever I heard one!
Madame Desireme Fallen
13 years ago
110 posts
Oh...I must have overlooked this!!! It is fabulous!!! I will commission a set to be made and I LOVE MY NEW BED....Oh gosh, you all should see it....just amazing, as all of the Prince work is!!!!
Madame Desireme Fallen
13 years ago
110 posts

Smiling at her, after having a servant pick her up off the floor and gives her a sip of pink champagne, repliesmy bed is better than musical chairs....laughing, everyone gets a spot!

Madame Desireme Fallen
13 years ago
110 posts

Why of course, my darling sister....oh be very careful of the champange,becauseat the bottom of your glass is a pink diamond..reserved onlyfor family and special honored guests.

Smiling, Courtsie there is apink diamond for you too, in your hocking it!!!! Courtsie took the Baroque Enquirer....she was on the cover.