Bonjour! The last weeks of Summer are here (gasp no more strawberries!) We are entering Chrie's favorite seasons Indian Summer into Autumn! Autumn is a season full of brilliant colors. The cottonwoods and maples change their skirts of greenery for golden hues and the weather changes to crisp and reminds me of warm baked apples with lots of cinnamon and cream.
This new collection for fall was inspired but many things but mostly where my studies have been taking me lately. (I'm a Horticulture student) So you will see reflected in my work a lot of bold colors some fruit, flowers and ancient civilization inspired designs. Being in school and a full time mom is a challenge ;D but I like to stay busy. Unfortunately it leaves me very little time for design work. You may see something new every month. Please come check out my Boutique and see the new store design! All my older designs have moved and are on the SL marketplace or in the vendor at my main store at discounted pricing.
The NEW designs for Fall were released last weekend after the fashion show and are available at Chrie in the Duch de Coeur , Versailles Marketplace and Sl Marketplace.
merci beaucoup !
Cherie Design House SL Marketplace
Introducing my very first Baroque wedding gown Myrtle. Myrtle being the emblem of marriage; love. The gown is white silk decorated with demure bows and rosebuds.

Russian Rhapsody- Robe la Franaise - Inspired by The rich bright textiles of Russian Folk Dress, Cold winters, smokey tea rooms and opulent palaces. The Russian Rhapsody Gown is a deep navy silk brocade with a riot of color.
Enchanted Orchard - Robe la Franaise- Inspired by ancient myth and classic fairytales "apples & pomegranate" being the theme for this beautiful shiny red gown.
Autumn Romance Gown - Robe la Franaise - As Summer fades we take all the beautiful colors of the garden with us! Big full skirt looks stunning on the dance floor.
Autumn Sunset Gown - Robe la Franaise - Unforgettable like a perfect Autumn Sunset. Deep coral silk with gold detail brocade and peach petticoat. Big full skirt looks stunning on the dance floor.
September Rose Gown - Robe la Franaise Created in honor of my birthday. Made from a pale blue silk cotton lighter than silk. Blue for Virgo and roses for lovers everywhere! Longer sleeves for chilly mornings. Princess perfect!
Byzantine Glow Gown - Robe la Franaise Inspired by the Harvest season and the art and glory of Byzantium. A rich contrast of bold colors!
updated by @joan-claremont: 27 Oct 2016 02:58:13PM