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New Regency Jacket Gowns in time for SL10B! Celebrate regency at SL's 10th Birthday!

Twelfth Night
12 years ago
221 posts

I am pleased to offer new gowns for the Regency enthusiasts just in time for SL10B!

I have designed a special dress for the occasion. The "Fleur-de-lis" Gown which will be offered as a gift starting this Sunday at the Antiquity SL10B booth . Be sure to come by the booth and pick up your free gown!!! The gown is also currently available on the Marketplace for full price. Free gift is only good at the come by! :)

A basic shape demo gown is available on the marketplace.

Marketplace Listing:

"Fleur-de-lis" Red Jacket Gown for SL10B

2317_discussions.png?width=750 2318_discussions.jpg?width=750 Marketplace Listing:

Regency Pale Blue Jacket Gown - Gown has two long coat styles. One for everyday...and one with a regal train.

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Marketplace Listing:

Regency Black Jacket Gown - This is a coat style gown you will enjoy for outdoors events. More collar colors coming soon!

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Marketplace Listing:

Regency Pink Silk Ball Gown - This dress can be worn for a ball or for a regal event outside in the garden.

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See you at the Antiquity SL10B booth!

Here is your carriage!

Twelfth Night


updated by @twelfth-night: 06 Oct 2016 01:58:51PM
Tiamat Windstorm von Hirvi
12 years ago
359 posts

I have already spirited my free gown out of the foyer, and am enjoying its vibrant red and soft golds at this very moment.

We are offering a few more things at the booth as well - art and elegant dancing to the sound of harp and clavichord upstairs in our ballroom, counterbalanced by what I fear is rather a rough tavern run by our, um, well-armed fishing population on the ground floor - and somehow, miraculously, our local merfolk have transported part of their seas, along with their own dances, into the cupola at the top.

I look forward to hearing about some of the other SL10B booths those in this forum are rushing to finish before Friday's opening of the fte.

Antiquity Hedgewitch
Twelfth Night
12 years ago
221 posts
Thank you Princess Windstorm von Hirvi :)Yes beautiful art and a lovely commemorative SL10B brooch are special gifts for visitors. I am looking forward to dancing...have my slippers all ready! :))))