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The Shops of Port Austen, Regency Somerset.

12 years ago
103 posts

The Shops of Port Austen, Regency Somerset.

We have some new shops in Port Austen, and together the existing vendors, we have I believe, an exciting regency shopping experience. Please do come by and se them.

Chez Giroux by Sybil Vawdrey, No. 24 Port Austen

Cherie House of Design by Joandarc Ninetails, No. 23 Port Austen.

Sophia by Sophia Treusia, No. 22 Port Austen.

Timeless Dcor by Sere Timeless, No. 21 Port Austen

Regency Piecework by J.E.W.L.S., ( Jewelia Blessed) No. 11 Port Austen

BHD by Renata Constanine, No. 12 Port Austen

LeGrenier Du Chateau (GC) by Trasgo Beaumont, No. 13 Port Austen

The Music Box by Cara Cali, No. 14 Port Austen

Also, At No. 01 Port Austen, The Orangery

The Port Austen Lending Library and Welcome Center, Port Austen-Bath post road.

Nelsons Blood Tavern, at No. 15 Port Austen

The Trafalgar Arms Inn, at No. 25 Port Austen.

Port Austen, Regency Somerset, Antiquity Argyle (67, 86, 31)

Sincerely, Baron BrendonPatrick MacRory.

updated by @curtis: 06 Oct 2016 01:58:51PM
Jacon Cortes
12 years ago
252 posts

Thank you Lord MacRory for posting an up to date list of shops. Lord MacRory and myself invite all to come an stroll the beautiful shops on the shore of Regency Sommerset. It is a lovely place to have tea, shop and smell the fresh air.

His Royal Highness Jacon Cortes de Bexar Prince of Antiquity, Duke of Cumberland, Duque de Bexar, Duc de la Valliere, Marchese di MSB