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TTR-Instant Spring Garden

Tatiana Dokuchic
13 years ago
1,919 posts


This delightful spring garden is perfect for avid and novice gardeners alike.

Based on the original design for the parterre of the Petit Trianon, the formal lines of the four planting beds and small, clipped hedge borders are accentuated by brightly coloured masses of flowers that sway gentle in the breeze. The full arrangement is a symmetrical pattern with the two beds of the right side mirroring the two beds of the left.

It sets up with the touch of a rez box for instant visual impact. All parts are mod/copy so that you can rearrange and make changes to your heart's content. Every piece has been optimized to be prim conscious.

- Planting beds (left & right sides) with small clipped hedge borders and grass centres
- Cherry Tree in full blossom
- Pink Cone Flowers (Garden Flexi Flower 28)
- Paper White Flowers (Garden Flexi Flower 65)
- Variegated Hosta w Blue Flowers (Garden Flexi Flower 16)
- Yellow Calla Lilly (1 prim w 4 flowers straight-17)
- Pink Calla Lilly (1 prim w 4 flowers straight-20 & 1 prim w 4 flowers staggered-20)

One side of the garden requires a Land Impact (LI) of 56 to rez and position. Once the garden is in the correct spot and has been Stored (removing the rez scripts) the LI drops to 42.

The TTR-Instant Spring Garden will be on display inworld for the Spring 2012 season. During this time the flowers and garden beds may also be purchased individually. Go to the Petit Trianon French Garden Parterre .

Also available on the Second Life Marketplace at: TTR-Instant Spring Garden (SLM)

For more information, see my blog at: Petit Trianon:French Garden Parterre SL


Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 06 Oct 2016 06:11:14PM
Tatiana Dokuchic
13 years ago
1,919 posts

Thanks Stormy!

Each planting bed (there are 4 variationsincluded) is a18m x 18m triangle so you can kind of judge from there. Keep in mind that everything is modifiable (as well as copyable) so you could always shrink or expand the individual beds as required.

Flat land or a gentle slope would be best if you are using the planting beds. I have a few cases where people are buying the set because of the savings on the flowers & the cherry tree. These seven pieces (not counting the beds) would retail for L$1750 if you bought them individually.

I spent way too much time playing withvarious layouts using the different pieces - lol. It was hard to settle on just one in the end so I'm looking forward to seeing what other people come up with!

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site