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New Release by Jacon Cortes Designs

Jacon Cortes
14 years ago
252 posts

Greetings and Salutations.

Los Texanos Beaux Arts and Jacon Cortes Designs are proud to release the Crown of Bexar. This crown, was one of the first designs I made in SL. I have refinished the and created a collection based on the original.

Always my favorite design, I am excited to share it with everyone. The higher Queen/King, Princess/Prince, Duchess/Duke crowns are tall, airy designs, that highlight the bold stones and inlaid black onyx. The lower Marquresa/Marques, Countess/Count, Viscountess/Viscount, Baronesa/Baron are more compact in design but richly jeweled to please even the hardest family member. The Noble design, is more medieval in design, but perfect for recognizing your most loyal subjects.

Highly detailed, this crown will make a statement. A piece, that will be a treasured addition to any royal jewels.

This collection is designed for the kingdom that would like all its family and members to share a common crown design. These crowns come in 9 colors, each in either gold or platinum. There are 8 levels to the crowns. Each level design is Unisex, ladies crowns a smaller version of the mens crowns. Children would be recommended to use the ladies size. For larger courts, with multi level titles, a combination of gold and platinum crowns can be used. If for example you have high level duke and a lower level duke. Gold duke could be used for higher, platinum for the lower level duke.

1498_discussions.jpg?width=750 The Crowns are available on the 2nd Floor Crown Section of the Main Store and on Market Place.

(Crown Colors-Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Amethyst, Topaz, Black Diamond, Diamond, Pink Tourmaline, Multi Stone in either gold or platinum).


Visit Jacon Cortes Designs inworld in the Archiducado de Bexar.

Feel free to IM me, Jacon Cortes for any help or questions on any of my items.

His Royal Highness Jacon Cortes de Bexar Prince of Antiquity, Duke of Cumberland, Duque de Bexar, Duc de la Valliere, Marchese di MSB

updated by @jacon-cortes-de-bexar: 05 Jan 2017 08:28:39AM